Volume 53, Page 470 View pdf image (33K) |
470 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. Liber B This bindeth mee Robert Clarke Esq my heirs Executors or Ad ministrators to pay or Cause to bee payd unto Mr Edmond Custis of London Marchant and Cumpany his or thear heirs Executors or As signes the iust sume of too hundered pounds of good and well Con ditioned tobacco and Caske to bee payd at sum Conuenient place in Charles County at or befor the 10th of December next ensuing the daet as witnes my hand this 4th of May 1664 Robt Clarke Test henry Crage Edward Richardson This bill bindeth mee Thomas Mathews Gent!: of Charleses Counti my heirs Executors or Administrators to pay or Cause to bee payd unto W Edmond Custis of London Marchant and Cumpanie his or thear heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes the just sum of one thowsand nine hundered and sixteene pounds of good and well Conditioned tobacco and Caske to bee payd at My plantation at St Ellins in St Maries County at or befor the 10th of December next ensuing the daet hearof as witnes my hand this 4th of May 1664 Test Henry Addames Tho: Mathews Edward Richardson This bill bindeth mee Thomas Taylor of Patuckson Riuer my heirs Executors Adm: or Assignes to pay or Cause to bee payd unto Ed ward Richardson his heirs Executors or Assignes the full sum of seauenteen hundered and fifteene pounds of good tobacco according to licking with Caske at or befor the 10th day of december next ensu ing the daet hearof as witnes my hand this eleuenth day of May 1663 Test: John Custis Tho Taylor Edward Richardson [p. 291] Know all men by thees Presents that John Lumbroso doe hearby bind my self my heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes to pay or Cause to bee payd unto Edmond Custis of London Marchant and Cumpanie to him his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes or his or thear order the full and iust sum of too thowsand flue hun dered seauenty and six pounds of good sound Marchantable leaf tobacco and Caske to bee payd at or upon the 30th of Nouember next ensuing the daet hearof as witnes this my hand and seale this 4th of March 1663/4 John Lumbrozo 0 Seigned Sealed and deliuered in the Presence of us George Thompson Richard hope This bill bindeth mee Josheph harrisson of Portobacco in the Prouince of Mariland Planter my heirs Executors or Assignes to pay or Cause to bee payd unto Edmond Custis of London Marchant and |
Volume 53, Page 470 View pdf image (33K) |
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