Volume 53, Page 454 View pdf image (33K) |
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454 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. Liber B bargained and sould with all and euery of theair Right members and appurtenances of a good puer perfect and absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple without any Condition Reuersion Re- mainder or limitation of any Use or uses estate or estates in or to any person or persons whatsoeuer to alter Chaing defeat determin or make voyd the same and that thay the sayd Walter story and John London their heirs and Assignes and euery of them shall or may by force and vertue of thees presents from time to time and at all times foreuer hearafter lawfully peacably and Quiatly haue hould use occu- pie poses and enioy the sayd messuage or plantation and all and singu- lar the befor granted Praemisses with thear and euery of thear Rights Members and Appurtenances and haue Receaue and take the issews and Profits thearof to them and thear owne Proper Use for euer without any lawfull let suit troble deniall interruption euiction or disturbance of the sayd henry Peare his heirs or Assignes or any other person or persons whatsoeuer lawfully Claiming by from or under him them or any of them or by his or thear meanes act Con- sent titell interest Priuitie or Procurment and free and cleare and [p. 263] freely and Clearly acquited exonorated & discharged or otherwise from time to tim well and sufficiently saued and kepe harmeles by the sayd henry Peeare his heirs Executors or Administrators of and and from all and all formar and other gifts grants bargains sayles leases morgages ioyntours Dowers Statut Marchant or of the staple and the Recognisance extents Judgments Executions uses Entayles Rents and Arrearages of Rents forfeturs fines issews and Amercements and of and from all and singular other titells trobles Charges and de- mands whatsoeuer had maed and Comitted suffered omitted or done by the sayd henry Peare his heirs and Assignes or by any other Per- son or Persons whatsoeuer Lawfully Claiming by from or under him them or any of them by from or under his or their meanes Act Consent Title interest Priuitie or Procurment (the Rent and saruices which from hence forth from time to time for or in Respect of the Premisses shall grow dew or payable to the Cheef Lord or Lords of the fee or fees of the Premisses only Excepted and forprised) and Lastly tis Couenanted granted Conclewded and Condescended unto and fully agreed upon by and betweene the sayd Parties to thees Presents for them their heirs or Assignes by thees Presents that all fines feofments Reconeries and Assuerances in the law whatsoeuer had maed leuied knowledged suffered or don hearafter to bee had made knowledged suffered Leauied or done by or betweene the sayd Parties to thees Presents or any of them of for touching or Con- cerning the sayd Messuage or Plantation and all and singular other the befor hearby granted Praemisses with thear Rights members and appurtenances and euery or any part thearof shall bee enure and shall bee Construed and adiudged and taken to bee and enure to the [p.264] only Proper use and behoofe of the sayd Walter story and John |
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Volume 53, Page 454 View pdf image (33K) |
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