Volume 53, Page 447 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 447 Robert Clarke Esq Plantiue Mis Verlinda Stone Defendant Liber B The Plantiue declares against the defendant in an action of debt [p.251] for the suruay of flue hundered Acres of land which Remayneth unsatisfied as yet and thearfor hee humbly Craueth order of Court for the sayd debt with Cost and Charge of suit &c Whearupon the defendant Confeseth a iudgment with Promis of satisfling the sayd debt himself It is thearfor order that the defen- dant Pay unto the Plantiue too hundered and (65) fifty pounds of tobacco and Caske and Cost and Charge of suit &c It is ordered that the Attachment obtained by W Francis Pope Continued till the next Court which was against John Kerby Mr Meekes Presents this ensuing demands unto the Courte in writ- ing (Vizt) Gent I humbly intreat your Opions wheather a dead mans Estate sued to an order and the order demanded the Execution afterwards ought not to ly on the dead mans Estate and who ought to pay the Cost thearof It is the Opinion of the Court that an execution beeing taken out against a dead mans estate the heirs or Executor or Administrator ought to pay the Charge of the Execution and all further Charges John Cherman Presents this ensuing Petition To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Counti the humble Petition of John Cherman Sheweth [P. 252] That Whearas your Petitioner was the last Court but one adiudged un Capable of an oath for a mistake by him Committed and that no intent nor nothing of Malice or inderect meanes can bee alleaged but only his mistacke which hee doth not Remember any other then accidentall and if so doth hear present himself as truly Penitent and Asshamed for his mistacke so taken and whearas your sayd Peti- tioner is much disturbed boath in mind and person during the sayd orders Continuance Your Petitioner thearfor humbly desireth (A Reflection may bee Cast on his forepast behauiour it beeing both honest and iust) and the small Valew of the Mistacke beeing Considered hee humbly Begs a Restauration of his birth Right so fare as to bee Recorded Capable and so hee shall Pray &c Whearas M' Robert Hundly the last Court was ordered by the Court (upon Richard Lambes deniing his indentur and his Craning a Referance to this Court) hear to prone the sayd Lambe to haue |
Volume 53, Page 447 View pdf image (33K) |
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