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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 405   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.     405

     Containing and now layd out for one hundered and fifty Acres more Liber B
     or lesse and all woods Quarns mines Royall mines Excepted Walters
     fishing fishing places and all other profits and Commodities in and
     upon the same Land sauing to us and own heirs owr Royall Jurisdic
     tion and Signiory as Absolut Lords and proprietaries of the sayd
     Prouince to haue and to hould the same unto him the sayd John
     Cage his heirs and assignes for euer to bee houlden of us and own
     heirs as of owr Mannor of West St Maries in free and Common
     sockage by fealty only for al saruices yealding and paying thearfor
     yearly to us and owr heirs at own usuall Receipt at St Maries three
     shillings in mony starling or one bushell and a half of good Corne
     at the Natiuitie of owr Lord giuen at St Maries under own great
     Seale of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland the twentith day of March
     in the year of owr Lord God one thowsand six hundered and fifty
     witnes own said Liuetennant     William Stone
      Know all men by thees Presants that I Joh Cage of the Prouince [p. 186]
     of Mariland Planter doe Assigne all my Rite titell of this Patten unto
     Thomas Whit and John Slingsbee thear heirs and assignes for euer
     as witnes my hand this 15th of December 1653 john Cage
     witnes John                      Mansfield   his marke

           his marke

      Be it Known to all men by thees Presants that I John slingsby of
     the Prouince of Mariland Planter doe assigne ouer all my Right and
     title of this Fatten within mentioned unto Thomas whit his heirs or
     Assignes for euer as witnes my hand this 21th of October 1655
     Witnes John Martine          John + Slingsbee
          Joh Douglas               his marke
      Know all men by thees Pnesants that I Thomas Whit doe assigne
     halfe of my Right and titell of this patten unto William Marshall for
     euer as witnes my hand this 10th of Aprill 1655
     Teste James Viech            Thomas   Whit
         Humphery Warrin              his marke
      Philip Caluent treasurer for and in the behalf of the Lord Proprie
     tarie doe hearby assigne this patten unto William Marshall and
     Walter Beane this 10th of Aprill Ao 1660 Philip Coluent tresr

      Know all men by thees Presants that I Walter beane and my wife
     Elenon Assigne all own Right titell and interest of this Patten from
     us owr heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes unto Mr William
     Marshall his heirs Executor Administrators and assignes for euer in
     open Court assigned witnes   George Thompson
     Acknowledged by the sayd beane and his wife to the sayd Marshall in
     open Court:

      The Court is Adiounned till the third day of Nouemben 1663

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 405   View pdf image (33K)
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