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388 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. Liber B reply unto him and told him that shee woold not tacke it if shee shoold dy and shee sayd you shall tacke it afterwards within seauen days after the sayd mayd told mee that the Phisick that the doctur did giue her did kill the Child within and that the doctur had got the sayd Child and when hee had the use of her bodie that hee woold stope her mouth with Cloath and sumtimes of his hands and shee told nice that when the Phisick did worke that the doctor did hold her backe for shee was in such payne and misery that shee thaught that shee shoold dy after that it was ouer shee tould me that the sayd Lumbroso Looked into the Chamber pot and tould her that her bodie was Cleare and bee tooke the pot and Caried it out of the ways and shee told mee that bee told her that shee shoold bee merry and tacke no notice for feare of the old man for hee was very Cuning I doe declare heare that the doctur and the sayd mayd did ly togeather ex cept if thear was any stranger in the bows I doe declare heare that the sayd Mayd told mee that shee had tooke sum Ratsbeane whear upon I gaue her sum oyle and Cleare herself from it and Cast it out and the sayd Lumbroso was not at the bows but when hee cam home bee did giue her phisick but it had dun her no wrong for it was the last phisick shee tooke that shee told mee that bee did kill the Child Josaphat Derosell The deposition of Richard Trew aged 58 years or thear abouts sworne Examined before mee the 29th of June Ao 1663 Saterday last the doctor came home shee sent Joseph to mee bows to bid mee and George harris cum downe to the doctors hows for to declare befor us how the doctor did abuse her to lay at her long time befor she did ild when bee did see that shee woold not yeald quiatly [p. 163] bee tooke her in his armes and threw her upon the bed she went to Cry out hee plucked out his hankerchif of his pocket and stope her mouth and forch her whether shee will or noe when bee know that shee was with Child hee gaue her fickes to distroy it and for any thing shee know hee woold distroy her to this she declare befor mee and John Mune and George harris and the doctor himself further sayeth not Richard Trew Sworne befor me James Lendsey his marke The deposition of Anne trew aged 26 years or thearabouts sworne and examined bef or mee the 29th of June 1663 Sayeth the next day shee came for a bottell of milke shee told me the last phisick the doctor gaue her came sumthing downe as bige as her hand from her bodie shee thought her backe broake asunder the doctor looking in the pot shee asked him what bee looked for bee maed her answer your bodie is Clinge I did aske her what shee did with that came from her shee coold not tell what bee did with it shee |
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Volume 53, Page 388 View pdf image (33K) |
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