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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 376   View pdf image (33K)
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                   376   Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.

               Liber B John Browne Sworne and examined in open Court sayeth: that
               [p. 144] hee heard James boulin say that the Calph which Mr Arthur Turnor
                   had in keeping of W George bradshows was aliue in August last
                   and further sayeth not:

                     Mr James Lendsey Sworne and examined in open Count sayeth
                   that hee heard James bouline Aske W Arthur Turnor whearfore
                   hee did arest him and W Tumor Replyed againe doe you not know
                   it is for slandering of mee well answered James boulin I was in
                   formed by Richard Tarlin and his wife that the Calph that belonged
                   to John Ashbrookes Cow was aliue in August last without you
                   killed it and Eat it and James bowlin sayd to Mr Turnor I am sorry
                   for it if I haue done you wronge for Richard Tarlin Came to Mr
                   Tumors hows the next day and sayd hee neuer sayd such a word in
                   his life to James boulin and further sayeth not:

                     Dauid Prichard Sworne and examined in open Count sayeth that
                   hee did heare James boulin aske Mr Tumor whearfon hee did Arest
                   him and Mr Tumor Replied againe doe you not know it is for slander
                   ing of mee well answered James boulin I was informed by Richard
                   Tarlin and his wife that the Calph that belonged to John Ashbnookes
                   Cow was aliue in August last without you killed it and eat it and
                   James bowlin sayd to Mr Turnor I am sorry for it if I haue done you
                   wronge and Richard Tarlin Came to Mr Turnors bows the next day
                   and sayd hee neuer sayd such a word in his life to James bowlin and
                   further sayeth not:

                     All things beeing beeing dewly seariously and Maturely Consid
                   ered thear appeared no Cause of action on the plantiues sid and the
                   defendant humbly Crauing a nonsuit with Cost and Charge of
                   suit It is thearfor ordered that the Plantiuc shoold bee nonsuited
                   and pay the Cost and Change of suit:
               [p. 145]                        Richard and Mary dod Plantiue    The Plantiue aresting
                   John and Joane neuill Defendants    the defendants in an ac
                     by thear Atturney Mr Francis batchelor tion defamation prefer
                                               eth thear declaration as

                     Richard Dod and mary his wife plantiue John Neuill and Joane
                   his wife defendants the plantiue declares against the defendant in
                   an action of the Case upon defamation for that the sayd Joane Neuill
                   did in or about the mounth of June last past falsly and Maliciously
                   utter publish declare and expres seuerall scandalous words of and
                   against the sayd mary Dod much to the scandall Prejudice and defa
                   mation of the sayd Mary alleaging that shee the sayd Mary was the
                   whore of Capt: Batten and further shee the sayd Joane woold auer

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 376   View pdf image (33K)
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