Volume 53, Page 348 View pdf image (33K) |
348 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. Liber B And the defendant not hauing anything to object against it It is ordered that the defendant pay unto the plantiue flue hundered and fifty four pounds of tobacco and Caske with Cost and Charge of suit: [p. 105] John Brown Plantiue The Plantiue aresting the defen Mr Humphery haggat Atturney of dant in an action of the Case Andrew Watson Defendant Mr Francis Batchelor Atturney to humphery haggat Prefereth his letter of Atturney which is as followeth Know all men by thees Presants that I humphery haggat Atturney of Andrew Watson doe Constitute and appoynt W Francis Batchelor my trew atturney to Craue a Referance in the differance depending between John Browne and Andrew Watson at witnes my hand this 14th of March Ao 1662/3 humphery haggat testes Edward T M mings marke Tho: T wackefield his marke and the sayd Batchelor hearupon Craued a referance which was granted It is thearfor ordered that this buisnes bee respited till the next Court held in Charleses County Thomas Bennet Atturney of The Plantiue aresting the defendant Francis Batchelor Plantiue in an action of debt Prefereth his Pe William Robisson defendant tition as followeth To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses County the humble Petition of thomas Bennet the Atturney of Francis Batchelor humbly Sheweth That Whereas William Robisson standeth indebted unto your petitioner as aforsayd the sume of 429 pounds of tobacco and Caske and remayneth as yet unsatisfied thearfor your petitioner hath entered his suit The Premisses beeing taken into your serious Considera tions your petitioner humbly Craueth Relife with Cost and Charge of suit and your Petitioner as in duty bound shall euer pray &c And for the Confirmation of the aforsayd Petition the Plantiue Produced this ensuing bill: [p. 1o6] This bill bindeth mee William Robisson of Charleses County Planter doe bind mee my heirs or Assignes to pay or Cause to bee payd unto francis Batchelor his heirs or Assignes the full and just sume of four hundered twenty nine pounds of tobacco and Caske to bee payd at or befor the tenth day of Nouember after the daet hearof as witnes my hand this 26th of Aprill 1662 testes John Wheeler marke William Robisson George H Hows marke |
Volume 53, Page 348 View pdf image (33K) |
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