Volume 53, Page 339 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 339 Wheamupon the defendant alleaged that hee had sould him such a Liber B patten with a conuayance one the backe thearof of all his Right titell interest property Claime or iurisdiction of the land specified thearin as more at larg by the sayd Patten will appear and that hee and his wife hear in open Court doe acknowledge the same No Cause of action appeaming to the board it is ordered that the Plantiue shoold bee nonsuited and pay the Cost and Charge of suit: Hanna Lee Plantiue This buisnes beeing Respited Capt Josias Fendall & Robt hundly from the last Court and then the as Administrators to Captaine plantiue aresting the defendants Christopher Russell Defendant in an action of debt and now not appearing nor any Atturney for her the defendant humbly Craueth a nonsuit It is theamfor order that the Plantiue shoold bee nonsuited for not appearing and pay the Cost and Charge of suit Hannah lee Plantiue This buisnes beeing Respited [p. 92] Capt Josias Fendall & Robt: hundly from the the last Court and then Administrators to Capt the Plantiue aresting the defen Christopher russell Defendand dant in an action of Case and now not appearing nor any At turny for her it is thearfor ordered that the Plantiue for nonappear ance shoold bee nonsuited and pay the Cost and Charge of suit The Court is Adiourned till the 17th of March Ao 1662 March 4 1662 This day Came Francis Doughty and desired this ensuing obliga tion to bee recorded Thees Presants witneseth that I Walter Beane doe bind my self my heirs Executors or Assignes to deliuer unto Enock Doughty his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes a bond which the sayd Enock Doughty and francis Doughty past unto mee Walter Beane for a maer which the sayd Enock and francis was to deliuer mee and shall by thees Presants engage to deliuer when Enock doughty aboue sayd shall demand it of mee dated the 13th of January Ao 1662 Seigned and deliuered Walter Beane in the presance of his marke Thomas Notly John Smith To all Christian People to whome thees presants shal com William Brenton of the towne of Newport on Roadiland Marchant in the Colony of prouidence Plantations in New England in America send eth greeting Know yea that I William Brenton Marchant aforsayd |
Volume 53, Page 339 View pdf image (33K) |
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