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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 321   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.    321

    Countie and for the trew & iust performance of the same I haue hear- Liber B
    unto set my hand this 6th day of June Ao 1661
  Witnesed by us Arthur Turner    Christopher Russell
                Robert RW Wilson
                        his marke

      Whearupon the defendant Confesseth a iudgment It is thearfor [p. 65]
    ordered that the defendant satisfie unto the plantiue three hundered
    and sixty too pounds of tobacco

    James Neall Esq by his Atturney The Plantiue aresting the defen
      Thomas hussey Plantiue Fdant in an action of the Case pre
    Joseph Edmonds Defendant      fereth his Petition as followeth

      To the worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Countie the humbi
    Petition James Neale Esq sheweth
      That whearas Joseph Edmonds Reported that I the sayd Neale
    with my men did assault and inuade Joseph Edmonds with guns and
    stole goods out of his boate which fals Report is much to your peti
    tioners detriment The premisses beeing seriously Considered your
    Petitioner humbly Craueth Relife with Cost and Charge of suit and
    your petitioner humbly pray &c

      Whearupon the sayd Edmonds desired the sayd hussey Atturney
    to the sayd Neale to forgiue him alleaging that hee neuer remem
    bered to haue spoken any such word of Esq neale or his men and
    absolutly denieth any such thing to bee trew and humbly requested
    the sayd Neals Atturney to withdraw his suit and hee woold pay the
    Cost and Charge of suit which hee did with the leaue of the board:

    Humphery haggat as Atturney The Plantiue aresting the defendant
      of Andrew Watson Plantiue in an action of debt prefereth his
    John Browne Defendant Petition as followeth

      to the worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Countie the humble
    petition of humphery haggate Atturney of Andrew watson humbly
      That John browne stands indebted to andrew watson the sum of
    too thowsand six hundered thirtie seauen pounds of tobacco by
    specialtie and hath not payd it Whearfor your petitioner Craueth [p. 66]
    order of this Court for his debt with Cost and Charge of suit and hee
    shah pray &c

    and for the Confirmation of the sayd Petition the Plantiue Produced
    this ensuing bill
      This bill bindeth mee John browne of Charleses Countie in the
    prouince of Mariland my heirs executors or Assignes to pay or Cause
    to bee payd to andrew watson of the Same Countie him his heirs

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 321   View pdf image (33K)
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