Volume 53, Page 315 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 315 know yea that in Consideration of the good Saruices to us by George Liber B Thompson performed and according to the tenour of owr instruc tions dated the three and twentith of October 1656 and upon such Conditions and tearmes as are expressed in owr Conditions of Plan tations of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland under owr greater seale at armes baring date at London the second day of July in the yeare of owr Lord God one thowsand six hundered and forty nine and Remaining upon Record in owr sayd Prouince of Mariland doe hearby grant unto the sayd George Thompson all that Parcell of Land Called Thompsons Rest on the East sid of Pascatoway Riuer and on the north side of a Creeke in the sayd Riuer Called Pascatoway Creeke next Adioyning to the Land Now Layd out for Luke Barbor Esq begining at the sayd Barbors Eastermost bound tree upon the Creeke and Runing East North East up the Creeke for breadth flue hundered Perches to a marked Birtch tree bounding on the East with a line drawne North and by west from the sayd Birtch tree for lenght of three hundered and twenty Perches one the North with a line drawne west south West untill it intercect a parrarell drawne from the sayd Barbors Eastermost bound tree on the West with sayd Parrarell one the South with the sayd Creeke Containing and now layd out for one thowsand Acres more or lesse together with all Profits Rits and benefits thearunto belonging Royall mines ex cepted to haue and to hould the same unto him the sayd George Thompson his heirs and Assignes for euer to bee hou!den of us and owr heirs as of owr Mannor of Caluerton in free and Common sockage by fealty only for all seruices yealding and Paying thearfor yearly to us and owr heirs at owr Receipt at St Maries at the too most usuall feasts in the year (Videlicet) at the feast of the An nuntiatiation of the blessed virgin Mary and at the feast of St Michell the archangle by eauen and equall Portions the Rent of twenty shil ling starling in siluer or Gold or the full Valew thearof in such Corn- [p. 58] modities as wee and owr heirs or such officer or officers appoynted by us or owr heirs from time to time to Collect and Receaue the same shall accept in discharge thearof at the Choyce of us and owr heirs or such officer or officers as aforsayd giuen at St Maries under the great seale of owr prouince of Mariland this four and twentith day of July in the nine and twentith year of owr dominion ouer the sayd Prouince of Mariland Annocp Domini one thowsand six hun dered and sixtie one witnes owr dear brother Philip Caluert Escq owr Liuetennant of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland Philip Caluert Endossed one the bake of the sayd Pattent as followeth I George Thompson of Charleses County Clarke doe hearby in open Court assigne ouer unto Mr William fox of Bristoll Marchant all my Right title and interest Propertie Clairne and Jurisdiction of |
Volume 53, Page 315 View pdf image (33K) |
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