Volume 53, Page 313 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 313 sayd Price sixteen hundered pounds of tob: to shirts and one paer of Liber B shooes according to the best of this deponants remembarance and further sayeth not Whearupon the defendant desireth that Mr humpherie haggate my bee sworne to testifle his knowledge of the Plantiue as ye was at the defendants hows which was granted Mr humphery haggate sworne and examined in open Court sayeth that when the plantiue was at the defendants hows when this deponant saw him hee was by reason of a sore lege that hee had so tame that hee was altogether uncapable of any buisnes and that hee thaught in his Conscience the defendant did very well by him in not Chargeing him any thing for his troble and diete and further sayeth not It is thearfor ordered that the Plantiue shoold bee nonsuited and pay the Cost and Charge of suit: Samuell Dobson Plantiue The Plantiue aresting the defen James Lee Defendant as Fdant in an action debt prefereth Administrator to John delahayj his petition as followeth To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Countie the humble petition of Samuell Dobson humbly Sheweth That James Lee administrator to John delahay standeth indebted unto your petitioner the sum of four hundered forty eight pounds of tobacco and Caske as by assignment of specialtie from under Thomas Gerrard Esp unto Thomas Garuice and from the assignement of Thomas Jaruice to your petitioner your Petitioner Can make appeare Your Petitioner humbly Craueth order of this worshipfull board that James Lee shall make payment of this four hundered and forty eight pounds of tobacco and Caske Unto your Petitioner and your [p. 55] Petitioner shall humbly Pray &c And for Confirmation of the sayd Petition the Plantiue Produceth the bill as followeth This bill bindeth mee John delahay my heirs Executors Adminis trators or Assignes to pay unto Thomas Gerrard Escp or Assignes four hundered fortie eight pounds of tobacco and Caske according to the act of Assembly at the tenth of Nouember next at the now dwell ing hows of James Lee in Nangemi witnes my hand this 19th of August 1658 John Z Delahay Test Thomas Lomax his marke James L Lee his marke Endossed on the backe of the sayd bill as followeth Memorandum that I Thomas Gerrard haue assigned all my Right and title of this bill within written to Thomas Jaruice 28th Decem ber 1659 Tho Gerard |
Volume 53, Page 313 View pdf image (33K) |
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