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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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          Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.     305

    wear presant and licke ways doe impower my sayd Atturney to use Liber B
    all lawfull meanes for the Recouery of the debt dew to mee from
    samuell parker as witnes my hand this 17th of May 1660
    Witnes Thomas Pope            Richard Stearman
         Ralph Elstone

    whearupon the defendant humbly Craued a nonsuit which was

      Whearupon the defendant Presented this ensuing petition
      To the worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses County the humble
    petion of William heard humbly sheweth that francis Gray hath
    arested your petitioner in an action of debt and neuer demanded it
    your petitioner humbly Craueth order that francis gray may forth
    with satisfie your petitioners Charge which is 50 lb of tob: for a
    nonsuit and 90 lb of tobacco for three days tending the suit which
    is 140 in all and your petitioner shall pray

    whearfor it is ordered that francis gray forthwith satisfie unto the
    sayd william herd one hundered and fotie pounds of tob:

    Francis Gray Plantiue    The Plantiue aresting the defendant in
    William Robis son Defendant an action of debt Prefered his peti
                    tion as followeth

      To the worshipfull Commissioners of Charles Countie the humble
    Petition of francis Gray Atturney of Captain Baynam Predicior
    sheweth that william Robisson standeth indebted unto your Peti
    tioner twentie flue armes lenght of Roanoake as by order of Court in
    westmorland County your petitioner Can make appeare and also
    Court Charges your petitioner humbly craueth order that william [p. 44]
    Robisson shall forthwith satisfaction make the aboue sayd twentie
    flue armes lenght of roanoake unto your petitioner and Charges of
    Court in westmorland Countie with Cost of suit in this Court and
    your petitioner shall humbly Pray

      And for the Confirmation of the sayd petition the plantiue pro
    duced too Copies of orders of Court attested under Mr John Ryues
    hand Clarke of Westmorland Countie in the Colonie of Verginia as

    At a Court held in Westmorland County the 31th of March 1657
    Present        Collo: Thomas Speake
      Lt Collo: Nathaniell Pope           Mr Walter Bradhurst
      Major John hollowes Mr John Hiller  Comis
      Mr Gerrard Fouke    Mr James Balderidge
    Whearas Capt Brent arested William Robisson for taking away of
    a Canoe of his which Cost thirty flue armes lenght of Roanoake and
    the sayd Robisson not appearing the Court doth order that if Capt

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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