Volume 53, Page 253 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 253 Richard Watson Plantiue The defendant at A Court held in This Liber A John Morris defendant Countie the eight of July Ao 1662 craued a referance in this action untill this whear the plantiues petition stand recorded and it beeing read Captain Josias fendall the defendants [P. 245] Atturney desired that the Plantiue might prooue any thing procured by him for the defendants wife by her order and the Plantiue not beeing able to doe it the defendant Craueth a nonsuit Wheanfor it is Ordered that the Plantiue shoold bee nonsuited and pay the Cost and Change of suit John Morris doath in open Court declare that hee will pay for one of the formentioned heifers: this is not Compelled from him by any order but it is his owne voluntarie act and deed of Charitie John Gooldsmith Plantiue The Plantiue prefers his petition as John Piper Ad: to Christopher followeth Carnell Defendant To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Countie the humble petion of John Goldsmith sheweth That Christopher Carnell Deceased standeth indebted unto your petitioner the quantitie of six hundered and nineteene pounds of tob and Caske by accoumpt for leuies for himself and one person for three years and for the sayd deceased funerall Charges as by a just accoumpt your petitioner can make appear by sufficient testimonie The Premisses Considered your petitioner humbly Craueth order against John Piper the Administrator of the sayd Christopher Camell Deceased for the aforsayd sum of tobacco and Caske and your peti tioner shall humbly pray &c And for the Confirmation of the sayd Petition the plantiue pro duceth this ensuing accounipt as followeth Feb 3: 1661/62 Accoumpt of What John Gouldsmith hath had of Robert Sly for use of Christopher Carnell and payd by his order To Capt: Guither for leauyes 338 to four yards of holland for a winding sheet 090 to too gallons of drames 113 to 11 pounds of sugar and pottle drames078 619 and Desireth that Mr Robert Sly might haue his oath giuen him Con cerning the Premisses which was Granted 21 |
Volume 53, Page 253 View pdf image (33K) |
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