Volume 53, Page 207 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 207 Mr Henry Addames Produceth one saruant boy by name Robert Liber A Birtch to haue his age Adiudged who is Adiudged to bee sixteene [p. 204] years of Age Anne Twifer beeing presented by Mr Marshall to haue her age adiudged of who is iudged to bee seauenteen years of Age Edward Swan Presenteth on Elisabeth Ireland to haue her ad iudged of who is adiudged according unto her owne acknowledgment to bee seauenteene years of Age Samuell Dobson Presenteth a boy saruant by name Thomas Jack son for Thomas Gerrard Esq to haue his age Adiudged of who is adiudged to bee sixteen years of Age: Mr Humpherie Haggat after his oath The Plantiue Aresting the de taken admitted of Atturney unto fendant in an action of the James Lee Plantiue Case prefereth his petition as George Thompson Atturney to followeth Francis Pope Defendant To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Countie the humble Petition of James Lee sheweth That your Petitioner was impowered by Joseph lenton in his will and testament to see after his Estate and an Assistant to his wife, the mortalitie the Mortalitie of the sayd Linton and his wife and too Childeren beeing your petitioner puting him self to the Charge of beuring of the sayd lenton wife and makin of theaire funnerall haith beene oute of purse 1672 lb of tobacco and Caske whearfore your petitioner Craueth order against the Estate of Mr Francis Pope who doeth dispose of the sayd Lenton estate and hee shal pray this petition beeing of Mr Haggates owne drawing is accordinglie recorded: Whearupon the Plantiue desired that Captaine William Battin Mr Humpherie Haggate and Jane Delahay shoohd haue thear oaths giuen them which was granted and for the Confirmation of his petition produceth his account as followeth for Boate and hands 300 for too bottels of drams 020 for too bottels of pouder 040 360 Sold to James Lee the 16: of March 166o 36 yards of brod blk rib at 12 lb p yrdlb 432 3 barrells of Strong beer a 300 lb 9oo lb 1332 Captaine Battin Aged 43 years or thearabouts sworne and ex amined in open Court sayeth that James Lee Came unto this deponants |
Volume 53, Page 207 View pdf image (33K) |
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