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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 18   View pdf image (33K)
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                  18    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.

            Liber A William Robisson demandeth a warrant against Andrew Watson
                  in a action of the Case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to Arest &c Ret: ut Supra Subpaenes to
                  the Sheriffe to Subpaene Daniel Gordian and Lione Britton to testifie
                  in ditto causa

                    Christopher Russell demandeth warrant against John Cain in ac
                  tione of the case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to arest &c Ret: ubi Supra

             [p. 22] Daniell Johnson Demandeth a warrant against John Wheeler in
                  an action of the Case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to Arest Ret: 26th October 1658 Subpaenes
                  to the Sheriffe to warne William Robisson and John Blackwood to
                  testifie in ditto Causa

                    William Robisson demandeth a warrant against William Empson
                  in an Actione of the Case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to arest &c Ret: Ut Supra

                    Mr James Linsey demandeth a warrant against Elisabeth Spicer
                  in an actione of the case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to arest &c Ret: ut Supra

                    William Robisson Verses Henrie Moore in an Actione of the case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to Arest &c Ret: ut Supra

                    John Piper demandeth warrant against John Villaine in a action
                  of the Case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to Arest &c Ret ut Supra subpaenes to
                  the Sheriffe to warne John Courts Edward Swane and Hew Neale
                  to testifie in ditto Causa

                    Richard Watson demandeth a warrant against Christopher Carnell
                  in an actione of the case
                    Warrant to the Sheriffe to arest Ret: ut Supra

                    At a Prouinciall Court held at St Leonards in Coluert Countie
                    for the Prouince of Mariland one thursday 7th of October 1658
                      prflt Josias Fenclall Escp Goü  Mr Baker Brooks

                           Philip Coluert Esp Secrë Corll Nathaniel Utie
                           Captain William Stone
                           Coron” John Price

                63 Thomas Gerrard Esq Plantiue The Plantiue demandeth 651 lb of
                  Cap: William Euans   tob; of the def by bill which hee
                                Defend:      . .
                  John Mans feel       produced in Court and it appearing

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 18   View pdf image (33K)
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