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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.     169

     Neale sayd unto Mr Marshall that hee heard hee had a desier to by his Liber A
     mayd and the sayd Marshal Replyed hee had no mind to buy her 428
     unles hee had a mind to sell her and the sayd Neale Replyed hee coold
     spare her by reason hee had an other littell Girle to sarue his turne and
     that hee woold make a shift with her and the sayd neall sayd that in
     case hee woold giue him the same price that hee payd for her she
     shoold bee his alleaging that hee had baught her some Cloaths and
     nominated what thay wear and in cas the sayd Marshall woold haue
     them hee shoold haue them as hee payd for them and the sayd
     Marshall Replyed that hee had no tob: ready but hee woold pay out
     of his owne bows as soone as it was ready and the sayd Neale Re
     plyed that if it wear Ready within this mounth or six weekes it woold
     sarue his turne and when tht thay had bargained Mr Neale told unto
     the sayd Marshall her good qualities and her bad faults alleaging
     that shee was a very good Cooke and that she Coold make very good
     butter but further affirmed that was a whore and a thiefe and in Case
     hee Coold breake her of thos faults she woold bee an excellent good
     saruant and that then thay did agree and desiered Mr Marshall to send
     for this saruant by a noate to his ouerseeer and his Ouerseeer woold
     deliuer her and further sayeth that the sayd Neale did make this
     exception that in Case the woman was not willing to go along with
     him hee shoold leaue her for hee woold not part with her without shee
     was willing to go from him and further sayeth not

      Ane Ges Aged aged 26 years or thearabouts sworne and examined
     in open Court sayeth that Mr Neale came to Mr Marshalls one thirsday
     last in the morning and sayd that he had heard that hee had a desier
     to haue a saruant of his and bee sayd that in case hee had a mind to
     part with her hee had a desier to buy her and the sayd neale sayd
     hee had co in Case thay Coold agree and the sayd neal alleadged that
     bee shoold giue no more for her then she Cost him of Daniell John
     son affirming that shee Cost him 1950 lb of tob: and the sayd Marshal
     was Contented to giue it him and the sayd Neale sayd tht in Case hee
     woold haue her Cloaths which bee had prouided for her hee shoold
     which was three pare of shoose and a paer of wosted stocking and a
     pare of bodies and as much braud Cloath as will make her a peti
     coat alleaging the totall some to amount unt 2250 lb of tob to which
     the sayd Marshall agreed but sayd bee had no tob: readie untill it was
     strooke to which the sayd Neale replyed that hee did not Care if hee
     had it within A mounth six weekes or too mounths and hearupon
     thay agreed and the sayd Neale told the sayd Marshall that shee was
     a very good Cooke Landres and Dary mayd and that shee was also
     boath a whore and a theif and in Case bee Coold breake her of thos
     too fault she was and woold bee an excellent Saruant but further
     made this exception that unles shee was not willing to part with him
     hee woold not part with her to which thay wear boath Contented and [p. 179]

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)
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