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Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 159 sayd Knags snaches it out of his hand and tares immediatly his marke Liber A out of it and immediatly boath plantiue and defendant desiered that thear witnesses might haue thear oaths giuen them which was granted and are as followeth Thomas Crakson aged 22 years or thearabouts sworne and ex amined in open Court sayeth that William Boulls had hired William Knags and a littell after thay fell out and thearupon the sayd Knags not Caring to hue with him was prest to goe the susquehannok march and then hee sayd wheather hee was prest or no he wold haue gon wheather hee had any pay or no and that hee had rather loose his pay then not goe and further sayeth that the sayd Bouls Profered the sayd Knags an old Cow but hee woold not accept thearof whear upon the sayd Bouls tendered him a young Cow which hee accepted of and of the Calph also prouided it wear a Cow Calph if not the sayd Bouls promissed to deliuer him a Cow Calph which was then fallen and further sayeth that William Boules since this marches returne told the sayd Knags that if hee Coold recouer any thing by law hee woold giue it hime otherways hee woold giue him nothing William Henson Aged 25 years or thearabouts sworne and ex amined in open Court sayeth that william Bouls bid William Knags go home about his buisnes and hee replied that hee woold go the march and further sayeth not Mt Robert Hundly aged fortie for years or thearabouts sworne [p. 169] and examined in open Court sayeth that Coming unto William Boulses Coupen William Bouls beeing thear William Knags de manded a Cow and Calph of him which he pro fered him which hee refused telling him it was not according unto his Condition hee woold haue an other Cow which was thear in the pen and the sayd Bouls told him that if hee woold not accept of that Cow alredie profered hee shoold haue none and further sayeth not: Edward William Aged thertie fore years or thearabouts sworne and examind in open Court sayeth that William Knags demanded his wages of william Bouls one Sunday night for the time hee had serued him and that William Bouls bid him go home about his buisnes and when his time was out hee woold pay unto him all that was dew and the sayd Knags answered that hee was Prest and that hee must obay his presse, and upon a mustering day hee demanded his wages againe and that the sayd Bouls replied twice or thrice that an other time shoold sarue and the sayd Knags Pressing upon him for his wages the sayd Bouls told him hee woold pay him nothing but what hee shoold recouer by law and further sayeth not: |
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Volume 53, Page 159 View pdf image (33K) |
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