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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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                   156    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.

               Liber A That whearas by a disater my sloope hath bin broken and this day
                  agreeing with William Smoote to nepaire the sayd Sloope finme and
                    good as formarly with a Cratch and Case for the mast for four
                    hundered and fifty pounds of tob: for wonke done to my long boate
                    I oblige my self to pay the sayd sum of four hundened and eighty
                    pounds of tob: upon demand and acknowledg to haue payd too hun
                    dened and twenty thearof by a bill of John Wood and for per form
                    ance of the remainder I oblige my self to pay it in drames at my
                    returne from the Manathanes as witnes my hand this twentith forth
                    day of March Ao 1659           Edward Prescott
                       Hugh Donding
                       John Buckner

                     The sayd Prescott not hauing any Attunney in this Place to obiect
                    any thing against the sayd Smoots demand by his Attunney it is
                    ordered that the sayd Smoot may haue an Attachment against the
                    estate of the sayd Prescot according unto his Petition

                     Whearas Mr Francis Doughty had a referance granted him against
                    the suit of Joane Michell from the last Court to this and neither of
                    them apearing nor any atturney for either of them it is ordered tht
                    the action shoold die

                     William Smoot haueing obtayned a ref erance the last Court against
                    the suit of Mr James Linsey to prepare himself to defend his Cause
                    and hauing nothing to obiect against the sayd Linsey formar Dec
                    laratione The sayd Linsey by his Atturney George Thompson Craued
                    an Order according unto his formar petition, which was granted:

              [p. 166]   John Wheeler Plantiuel The Plantiue aresting the defendant in an
                    Gils Glouer Defendant action of the Case prefereth his petition as

                     To the worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses County the humble
                    Petition of John Wheeler most humbly Sheweth
                  That Whearas Gils Glouer hath formarlie Couenanted to and with
                    your petitioner for the building of a howse for which your petitioner
                    passed a bill unto William Robisson by the sayd Glouers order for
                    six hundered pounds of tob: the Condition beeing annihillated by the
                    Concent of boath Partys your petitioner cannot get in his bill The
                    Premisses beeing taken into your serious Considerations your peti
                    tioner humbly Craueth Reline with Cost and Charge of suit and your
                    petitioner as in duty bound shal euer pray &c

                     Whearupon the Atturney of the sayd Gils Glouer George Thomp
                    son Craned A Referance which was granted

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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