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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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                   138    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.

               Liber A one peece or parcell of land lung situating and beeing upon Patomake
                  380 Riuer sid in the prouince aforsayd begining at the bound tree stand

                    ing near the mouth of a small Creeke called bakers Creeke as is in
                    the Fatten expressed and so runing up by the riuer side to a Marked
                    Oake with six noches standing in a hollow and so runing by marked
                    trees up in to the woods untill it comes unto a vally and so runing
                    downe the sd valley by Marked trees till it Comes to a marked ash
                    with six noches standing by a march belonging to the aformentioned
                    Creeke with all Rights benefits and appurtenances thearunto belong
                    ing as far forth in euerie perticular as is granted mee by Patten hee
                    or thay to enioy the same for euer I the sayd Thomas Baker hearby
                    binding my self my heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes
                    that the sayd William Empson his heirs Executors and Assignes shal
                    enioy the same Parcell of land quietly from any lawfull Claime or
                    Claimes that may or shal bee made unto it by any person or persons
                    whatsoeuer so far as my Patten bareth mee harmies hee or thay yeald
                    ing or paying yearly at the natiuiti of owr sauior one bushell and a
                    halfe of good Indian Corne for rent unto mee the sayd Thomas Baker
                    my heirs Executors administrators and Asignes at my now dwelling
                    hows and to the trew performance hearof I haue hearunto set my hand
                    the day and yeare aboue written Thomas T Bakers
                   Witnes Richard H Dods marke    Marke
                         Thomas Lomax

               [p, 147] Endorsed one the bakside of the befor mentioned bill of sayle as
                     Know all men by thees Presants that I William Empson doe for
                    mee my heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes doe assigne
                    all my Right titles and interest boath myn and theirs of this bill of
                    sayle unto William Heard to him his heirs Executors Administrators
                    and assignes to him and them for euer as witnes this my hand this
                    12th of februarie Ao 166o/1661 William Empsons Marke
                   Witnes     George Thompson
                         George Roberts

                     Seigned and deliuered in open Court and acknowledged by Mr
                    Thomas baker unto the sayd William Empson and by the sayd Emp
                    son and Elenor his Wife unto William heard his heirs and assignes
                    for euer in open Court the 12th of feb: Ao Doni 166o
                                     Per mee affirmatum est
                                     Georgium Thompsonum Amanuensem

                     Mr Daniell Hut the Atturney of Mr Hen: Mees demand a warrant
                    against Christopher Russell in an action of the Case to the valew of
                    1000 lb of tob:
                     Warrant to the Sherife to Arest: &c Ret 24th Sept:

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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