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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 136   View pdf image (33K)
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                  136    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.

             Liber A    Excepted to haue and to hold the same unto him the sayd John
                   Delahay his heirs and Assignes for euer to bee holden of us and owr
                378     heirs as of owr mannor of Caluerton in free and Common Soccage
                   by fealty onely for all saruices yeelding and paying thearfor yearly
                   unto us and owr heirs At owr Receipt at St Marie at the too most
                   usuall feasts in the year (viz) at the feast of the Annuntiation of owr
                   Blessed Virgin Marie and at the feast of St Michell the Archangell
                   by euen and Equall Portions the Rent of three Shillings starling in
                   siluer or gold or the full valew thearof in such Commodities as wee
                   and owr heirs or such officer or officers appoynted by us or owr heirs
                   from time to time to Collect and receiue the same shal accept in dis
                   charge thearof at the Choice of us and owr heirs or such officer or
                   Officers as Aforsayd witnes owr trusty and wel beloued Josias Fen
                   dall Esp owr Lieutennant of owr sayd Prouince giuen at St Maries
                   under Owr great seale of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland the eight
                   eenth day of september in the eight and twentith year of owr do
                   minion ouer the sayd Prouince of Mariland and in the year of owr
                   Lord God Euerlasting one thowsand six hundered and fifty nine
                                                    Josias Fendall
                     Endorsed on the baksid of the aboue sayd Patten and one to bee
                   the act and deede of John and Jean Delahay in open Court as
                     Know all men by thees Presants that I John Delahay doe Assigne
                   all my Right title and interest of this Patten from mee my heirs
                   Executors or Administrators or Assigne unto Thomas ke!le to him
                   his heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes for euer as witnes
                   my hand this this 12th of March Ao 1659 John Delahay
                   Witnes George Thompson          his marke
                         William Robisson

             [p. 145] Mr Arther Turner entereth this marke for his sonne Edward
                   Turner of hogs and Cattel (viz) Cropt on boath Eares and too slits
                   one the Right Eare and one in the left:

                     The Court is Adiourned untill the 24th of September Ao 1661

                     Wee under written are of the Prouince of Mariland in Charleses
                     Know all men by thees presants that I Elenor Empson late wife to
                   William Empson deceased haue bargainead and sold unto Richard
                   Dod to him his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes too
                   heifors of too years old apeece or thearabouts the one Black Pied
                   marked with a Crope on the left Eare and too slits in the Crope the
                   Right Eare underkeeld the Other A Broune heifor marked with an
                   ouerkeele one boath Ears which too heifors I the sayd Elenor Emp
                   son am Constrained to dispose of unto Richard Dod for the nursing

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 136   View pdf image (33K)
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