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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 134   View pdf image (33K)
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                  134    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.

             Liber A    pound his buisnes but when his master knew of this hee woold not or
                   Coold not this deponant knowes not wheather and further sayeth not:

                     Joan Neuill Aged 34 yeares or thearabouts sworne and examined
                   in open Court sayeth tht Richard smith Comming unto this deponants
                   hows and talking of Anne Mardings beeing with Child this Deponant
                   asked him whether shee had layd it to him or no (knowing nothing
                   of the buisnes) who replied no I thanck God shee cleared mee of it
                   as good hap was the last night and after the said smith was Gon this
                   deponant asked William Wennam whether hee was mad or no whear
                   upon the sayd Wennam sayd that William Robisson woold make him
                   marry her but if hee did hee woold bind her to a tree and euerie day
                   whip her and further sayeth not:

                     John Neuill sworne and examined in open Court Aged 41 years or
                   thearabouts sayeth William Robisson desiered William Wennam to
                   marrie his mayd and becaus the sayd Wennam woold not that this is
                   all the differance tht this deponant knowes and further sayeth not:

                     Nicolaus Philips Aged 21 years or thearabouts sworne and ex
                   amined in open Court sayeth that William Wennam had layne with
                   Anne Mardin once as the sayd Wennam sayd and the sayd Wennam
                   told this deponant that shee was not with Child and if shee was hee
                   woold put William Robisson to proue it and further sayet not:

             [p. 143] Margaret Bennam Aged 20 years or thearabouts sworne and ex
                   amined in open Court sayeth tht william Robisson and his wife sit
                   ting at thear doore sayd that William Wennam went away from his
                   hous and went to Mr Addameses and that as hee came bake againe
                   hee desiered his mayd to ly with her and did bege and pray to haue
                   to doe with her and hee woold marrier if shee woold and further say
                   eth not:

                     The Defendant alleging that thear was no profe of a Carnall Copu
                   lation unles hee Coold proue by sufficient euidence that had seene
                   them Rem in Re which the plantiue not beeing able to proue it is
                   thearfor ordered that the Plantiue bee nonsuited and pay the Cost
                   and Charge of suit:

                   Mr Daniell Hut Mr Dodmans The Plantiue Aresting the defendant
                     Atturney Plantiue in an action of debt produceth his
                   James Lee Defendant letter of Atturney and petition as

                     Know all men by thes presants that I John Dodman of Wesmor
                   Land Countie in Verginia doe appoynt and Constitute my beloued
                   frind Mr Daniell Hutt to bee my trew and Lawfull Atturney and in
                   my stead and place to act for mee in an action of debt against James

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 134   View pdf image (33K)
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