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132 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. Liber A Court sayeth that Mr Haggat deliuered unto Mr Zacharie Wade a bill of one thowsand pound of tob: and that the sd wade was to deliuer in a Condition of on Robert James from Mr Banckes which the sd [p. 141] wad had Apprehended as Runaway and that the sayd bill was past for the saruice dew to Capt: Bankes and further sayeth not: Thomas Wenthword of the sayd Countie and Prouince Gent sworne and examined in open Court sayeth tht Mr Haggate deliuered unto Mr Wade a bill of one thowsand pounds of tob: and that Mr Wade did promis to bring up a Condition or to saue the sayd Haggate harmeles from his father in Law Mr Bankes as soone as hee returned up againe and tht in ther discoors Robert James alleged tht hee was unwilling to go downe to Mr Bankes because hee the sayd James had delt so discurteously by him and that hee had run away and taken Cloathes away from the sayd Captaine Bankes and so upon that ac count desiered Mr Haggat to pas his bill to Mr Bankes for one thow sand pounds of tob: and further sayeth not The defendant alleageth that hee the sayd James was indebted unto his father in Law Capt: Bankes to the valew of eight hundered pounds of tob: which the sayd James had receaued in part of payment of his wages from the sayd Capt Bankes in Cloaths and other things to the sayd valew and further alleageth tht hee apprehended the sayd James as his fathers in Law seruant and not as a fellon the Plantiue desiereth the board to take notis that the defendant con fessed to haue apprehended the sayd James as his fathers in Law saruant and Consequently had no power to sell the sayd saruant with out an assignement of the sayd saruants Condition from his father in law unto him or power by way of a letter of Atturney to sel the sayd saruant or to act in all things in his absence as if hee wer per sonallie presant: all which Pouers your Orator dars boldly say the sayd Mr Wade was destitute of and thearfor the sayd saruant coold not bee accounted yr Orators by reson the sayd bankes if so it had pleased him might haue mad him ouer unto any man and no man had power to twhart the same and after the sayd Wade Returned from St Maries ward hee did not according unto his promis deliuer unto your Orator the sd Saruants Condition and when hee the sayd James Run away if in case your orator had used his utmost endeuor for the recouering of the same saruant hee was disenabelled and why because hee had no power and thearfor Coold not prosecute him by way of hew an Cry as other men do their saruants Whearfor it is ordered that the sayd Haggat shoold haue in his bill and that Mr Wade pay the Cost and Charge of suit: John Neuill Plantiue The Plantiue Aresting the defendant William Robisson DefendantJ in an action of the Case Prefereth his Petition as followeth |
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Volume 53, Page 132 View pdf image (33K) |
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