Volume 53, Page 119 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 119 manded more but wheather thear was more or no this deponant Liber A knoweth not and also affirmeth tht Mr Linsey demanded meat and a bill of four hundered pounds of tob: for Satisfaction but your deponant cannot tell of whot whearupon the sayd kelle deliuered unto the sayd Linsey a bill of John Baptistas of four hundered pounds of tob: and thearupon the sayd Linsey bid him tacke away his things to wit thos before specified and further sayeth not. Whearupon the Plantiue alleging that through simplicitie bee was not able to mannage his Caus humbly requesteth Leaue to macke Choyce of an Atturney to plead his caus which is granted him whear upon he Chose Mr John hawkings to bee bee his Attur: Whearupon the Defendant by reason that bee was an Irishman and finding great difficultie to deliuer himself in ow English tounge humblie requesteth the lick fauor to macke choyse of an Atturney whearupon bee made choyce of for his Atturney Mr Richard Cosdin who immeadiatly Craued a iurie which was forthwith impanelled and sworne in open [p. 131] Court the names of the Jurimen wear as followeth Ensigne John Wheeler John Neuill Andrew Watson Mr Thomas Hussey Thomas Simpson William Robisson Richard Dod Gils Glouer Richard King Christopher Riuer John Cain Richard Trew and hauing thear buisnes and all the apurtenanses thear unto belonging giuen them and after a dew serious and Considerat Perusiall of the same and unanimously by their one Confession to the Commissioners befor specified agreeing braught, and by their forman Christopher Riuers Respectiuelie gaue in this thear verdit that thay Coold not find perceaue nor understand any legall demand made by the sayd kelle of the aforsayd Mr Linsey for his goods now Disput and thear for Coold find no Cause of Action on the sayd kelles part Whearupon it was ordered that the Plantiue shoold bee nonsuited 354 and pay Cost and Charge of suit Capt Robert Troope Plantiue The Plantiue Aresting the defendant Edmond Linsey Defendant in an action of the Case Prefereth his Petition as followeth: To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Countie 355 The humble Petition of Robert Troope most humbly sheweth That Whearas your Petitione bought a parcell of land of Edmond Lindsey the Condition whearof will more largly and playnly appear by a bill of sayle To the sayd Troope by the sayd linsey giuen acknowl edged and recorded in the records of this Countie the 14th day of Januarie Ao 1659 and marked 158 beeing for too hundered acres and your petitioner hath but eightie Acres The Premisses beeing taken into your serious Considerations your Petitioner humbly Craueth reliue and your Petitioner as in dutie bound shal euer Pray |
Volume 53, Page 119 View pdf image (33K) |
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