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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662.     103

     wee might expres owr Loyaltie and allegence to his Maiestie wee Liber A
     thearfor the Gouernour and Councell of this Prouince of Mariland
     and other his maiesties Royall subiects hear Present by the speciall
     order and Authoritie of the Right Honorable the Lord Proprietarie
     of this Prouince doe according to owr duty and allegance hartily
     ioyfullie and unanimosly acknowledge and Proclaime that imme
     diatly upon the decease of owr late Souerainge Lord King Charles
     the Imperiall Crown of the Realme of England and of all the king
     doms Dominions and Rites belonging to the same did by inherant
     birth Right and lawful and undoubted Succession Distend and come
     to his most Excellent Maiesty Charles the Second as biing linneally
     iustly and Lawfully next heire of the blood Royall of this Realme
     and that by the goodnes and Prouidence of Almightie God hee is of
     England Scotland france and Ireland the most Potent Mightie and
     undoubted King defendor of the fayth &c and thear unto wee most
     humbly and faythfullie do submite and oblige owr selues owr heirs
     and Posterities for euer dated the 19th of Nouember Ao 1660
         God Sane the Kinge and the Lord Proprietarie
                                      Philip Caluert
          Charles R                     Copia Vera
       Trusty & wel beloued wee greet you well whearas it appears to US Locus Sigilli
     by seuerall depositions tht on Josias Fendall Late Gouernour under
     the Lord Baltemor in owr Prouince of Mariland hath raysed a fac
     tion within the sayd Prouince against the sayd Lord Baltemors 302
     Rights and jurisdictions thear Wee thearfor at the humble request
     of the sayd Lord Baltemor to Protect him in his inst Rights doe
     hearby will and requir you and euery of you to bee ayding and
     assisting to his officers in settelling his jurisdictions thear as it was
     in January last according to his Patten of the sayd Prouince from
     owr Royall father of Blessed Memorie whear in you shall doe us
     acceptable Saruice giuen at owr Court at Whithall this third day of
     July one thowsand six hundered and sixty in the twelfe year of owr
     Reigne              By his Maiesties Command
     To the Gouernour and Councell ofEdward Nicholas
      Virginia and all Captaynes andConcordat Verbatim cum suo
      Masters of ships trading tooriginali Quod attestor Ro
      Mariland and to all Magistratsgatus et Requisitus
      and officers and other owr sub-Joes Daniell
      iects in thos Parts       Notarius Publicus
     Hanc veram Copiam Copiae verae esse   166o
      testimonium facit Georgius Thompsonus
       Rotulorum Custos

          A Proclamation by the Gouernour of Mariland  [p. 118]
       Whearas Josias Fendall hath Contrarie to his Trust Raysed sedi
     tion within this Prouince endeuoring as much as in him lay, the Dis-

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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