The Lower House. 73
We should be sorry to find that a Regulation of Officers Fees,
agreed upon after the most mature Deliberation, by the several
Branches of the Legislature, and subsisting five Years, and then
again, with but small Alteration, revived and continued, should be so
disagreeable to his Lordship, as to induce him to dissent to an Act,
the greatest Part whereof, he acknowledges to be of great Utility.
We conceive the Parts objected to by his Lordship are of great
Advantage to this Province, and highly conducive to the Ease and
Quiet of his Lordship's Tenants. And forasmuch as his Lordship,
from a Sense of the great Usefulness of that Part of the Act which
relates to the Staple of Tobacco, and an affectionate Regard for
his Tenants, has been induced not to signify his immediate Dissent
thereto; so we, from the same Motives, as to the whole, cannot con-
sent to a Reapeal of those Parts, or either of them. We take Leave,
therefore, to acquaint your Excellency, that after full Deliberation,
upon your Excellency's Recommendation, to prepare a Bill for that
Purpose, we have unanimously resolved not to proceed on any such
We very thankfully acknowledge his Lordship's Goodness in pre-
senting the Petition, or Representation, of the late House of Dele-
gates, on Behalf of this Province, to the Lords Commissioners of
Trade and Plantations, and cannot in the least Doubt, but that his
Lordship's affectionate Regard for his Tenants, will incite him to
pursue the most proper Measures, for obtaining the Liberty and Per-
mission herein applied for.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
March 11
Which was read and assented to, and signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Mr. J. Goldsborough and Mr. Hawkins, do ac-
quaint his Excellency, That this House hath prepared an Address
to be presented to him, and desire to know when, and where, he will
please to receive it: They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker, that
the Governor was pleased to signify, he would receive the Address
in Half an Hour's Time, in the Conference Chamber.
Ordered, That Mr. Waggaman, and Three more, do present the
Mr. M. Tilghman, from the Committee of Laws, brings in, and
delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act for regulating the
Rates of Carriage, and for quartering Soldiers in public Houses,
within this Province, for his Majesty's Service; which was Read the
first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
On reading and considering the Message, from the Upper House,
of Yesterday; the Question was put, Whether the Bill entituled, An
Act for raising a Supply towards his Majesty's Service, shall be
enforced by a Message, or Not ? Resolved in the Affirmative.
p. 56