The Lower House. 69
That a Bill be prepared and brought in, To prevent the Exportation
of Bread, Flour, Victuals, and Warlike Stores to Cape-Breton, or
the Islands adjacent thereto, Canada, or any of the French Garrisons,
Forts, or Settlements, on the River Ohio: Ordered, That the Commit-
tee of Laws do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
Mr. E. Tilghman, from the Committee of Laws, brings in and
delivers to Mr. Speaker an Address to his Excellency; which was
read, approved, and ordered to be ingrossed.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. J. Goldsborough, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Buchanan, appeared
in the House.
Mr. Dulany, from the Committee appointed to inspect the Office
and Proceedings of the Commissioners, or Trustees, for emitting
Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly, brings in, and deliv-
ers to Mr. Speaker, the following Report, viz.t
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
March 10
Maryland, ss,
At a Committee of both Houses of Assembly, appointed to inspect
the Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners for emitting
Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly,
February 26, 1775.
Were Present,
The Honourable Col. Richard Lee, of the Upper House ;
Mr. Walter Dulany,
Mr. Michael Earle,
Col. John Henry,
Mr. James Edge, | of the Lower House ;
Capt. John Handy,
Mr. Josiah Bell, And,
Mr. John Bracco,
Who make Choice of the Honourable Col. Richard Lee, Chairman,
and Richard Dorsey their Clerk; and proceed to make the following
Report :
[This report has been printed in full in the Proceedings of the
Upper House on pages 13-27.]
p. 45
Which said Report was Read, and the House concurs therewith.
Richard Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker
a Bill, entituled, An Act for raising a Supply towards his Majesty's
Service, which was thus Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assem-
bly, March 3, 1755, Read the first Time, and ordered to lie on the
p. 52