Majesty's Colonies and Domin-
ions, 32, 67, 68, 84, 89, 92,
113, 204, 205, 219, 222, 223,
594; defence of, 451; security
of, 3, 6, 47, 48, 131, 122, 123,
124, 144, 220, 250, 253, 256.
Majesty's Forces, Regiments,
Troops, xii, xxix, 49, 68, 98,
112, 283, 553, 565, 566, 581,
589, 590, 591, 592, 600, 601,
651. See also Royal American
Majesty's Service, 4, 6, 28, 37,
38, 44, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 88,
89, 93, 97, 98, 99, 105, 111, 112,
114, 206, 401, 490, 493, 590,
591, 592, 594, 595, 597, 600,
602, 604, 617, 629. Act for,
x, xii, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxiv,
xxviii, xxxiii, 7, 12, et passim;
agents' report of accounts,
605, 608, 610. Funds, 50. Sup-
plies, xvi. See also Supply
Majesty's Stores, 234.
Manduit, William, 568.
Manockacy, see Monocacy.
Manors, xxiii, 512, 513.
Mares, see Horses.
Marine Officers, see Officers.
Mariners, 76, 468.
Mark, Robert, 530, 531.
Markland, Jonathan, 671.
Marriage Licences, xxii, 326,
333, 354. See also Licences.
Marsh, Robert, 273.
Martin, John, 23.
Mary II, Queen, xix, xviii, 154,
155, 156, 160, 443, 635.
Maryland Gazette, xvii, 106,
107, 168, 365, 669.
Maryland-Pennsylvania Line,
Maryland Troops, see Soldiers.
Masons, 608, 617.
Mass, 290, 430, 448.
Massachusetts Bay, xii, 155, 162,
437; Governor, 67, 68. See
also Shirley, William.
Mass Houses, 356. See also
Church. Churches.
Masters of Ships, 81, 89, 91, 173,
175, 181, 205, 253, 258, 311,
500, 507, 517, 617, 635, 636.
Matches, see Arms and Ammu-
Matrimony, 503.
Mattapany (Mattapenny), 41.
Mattingly, Edward, 21.
Mayer, Henrich, 667.
Maynard, William, 273, 529, 530,
Mayor's Court, see Courts.
Meal, 193.
Meat, 194, 208.
Medicines, 394, 400, 466, 468,
492, 608; chest, etc. for army
surgeon, 251.
Meekings, John, 20.
Members of Lower House, see
Lower House.
Merchants, 197, 434, 460, 617.
Mereness, Newton D., x.
Merriken, John, 582.
Merryman, Jos, 668.
Mesne Process, 459.
Messengers, 537, 617, 620; fees,
Meyrick, Griffit, 673. Richard,
Michaelmas, 498, 501, 502, 507,
508, 512, 514.
Middle Neck, 361.
Middleton, —— , xxvii, 333.
Thomas, 19, 20. William, 20.
Military Activity, Affairs, Com-
missions, Establishment, Ex-
peditions, Operations, Prep-
arations, Service, Watch, etc.,
vii, ix, xii, xv, xxxiii, 280, 465,
466, 468, 469, 473, 474, et
passim. See also Soldiers.
Military Equipment, Expendi-
tures, Stores, Supplies, etc.,
xiii, xiv, xxv, xxviii, xxxi,
xxxii, xxxiii, 111, 112, 144,
345, 452, 453, 592, 606, 608,
et passim. See also Stores and
Provisions; Supplies; War-
like Stores.
Military Officers, see Officers.
Militia, viii, xxv, xxix, xxx,
xxxii, xxxiii, 68, 150, 220, 222,
250, 266, 271, 285, 297, 298,
304, 305, 317, 320, 333, 335,
351, 365, 398, 404, 410, 420,
424, 430, 432, 435, 452, 453,
455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460,
461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466,
467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472,
474, 491, 492, 493, 554, 590,
592, 596, 598, 602, 604, 605,
606, 607, 608, 612, 616, 618,
619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624,
625, 626, 628, 637, 639, 640,
654; act for regulating, 450ff .,
467; bill, xxxiv, 641; law, xx,
xxxi, 220, 607; pay, 466. See
also Soldiers.
Mills, James, 30, 51, 53, 55, 56,
59, 65, 74, 82, 87, 93, 146, 154,
160, 169, 241, 310, 313, 327,
328, 329, 334, 336, 343, 345,
347, 350, 351, 354, 600, 601,
602, 605, 606, 6n, 622, 624,
625, 627, 628. Thomas, 335,
Mills and Mill Dams, xxviii.
234, 342, 535.
Mills's Fort, 348.
Miners, 608.
Ministers, 468.
Misprision of Treason, 444.
Missionaries, 287, 427, 430.
Mississippi River, 337.
Mitchell, Robert, 671.
Moale, Jn.o, 667.
Molasses, xiii, xvi, 135, 157, 164,
181, 182, 183, 184, 494.
Money, 94, 95, 96, 101, 103, 104,
106, 107, 132, 144, 198, 199,
203, 246, 352, 481, 484, 486,
487; British Sterling, 84, 113,
197, 205; current, 34, 40, 197,
353, 404, 486, 489; destruc-
tion of defaced bills, 294;
English and foreign coins,
xiv, 10, 61, 65, 481; paper, xii ;
printing, 648 (see also Print-
ing); public, 629. See also
Paper Currency.
Monocacy (Manockacy, Man-
ockasy, Monococy) River,
670; ferry, 234, 342.
Monongahela River, battle of,
vii, xxxi, 558, 607.
Moore, Henry, xxi, 46, 53, 55,
56, 58, 65, 74, 81, 87, 93, 140,
145, 154, 160, 172, 249, 340.
John, 668. John, jr., 621.
Morgan, Henry, 568. John, 668.
Mortgages, xiv, 10, 18, 21, 22,
62, 148, 197, 198, 309. See also
Bonds, etc.
Mugg, Peter, 20, 21.
Mulattos, 460, 461, 462, 463.
Murdock, William, xi, xxiii,
xxiv, 38, 54, 55, 56, 58, 64,
65, 66, 72, 74, 75, 76, 82, 87,
93, 97, 130, 140, 142, 143, 145,
151, 152, 154, 156, 160, 172,
269, 270, 274, 275, 277, 279,
299, 302, 313, 322, 327, 328,
329, 334, 343, 346, 347, 348,
351, 352, 354, 356, 362, 365,
366, 368, 371, 372, 376, 396,
399, 403, 405, 408, 412, 415,
416, 488, 518, 588, 595, 6oo,
601, 605, 611, 614, 621, 622,
624, 625, 626, 627, 630, 634,
638, 639, 640, 641, 675.
Murray, John, 17. William, 21.
Muscovado Sugar, 157. See also
Muskets and Musket Ball, see
Arms and Ammunition.
Muster, 453, 458, 459, 460, 464 ;
rolls, 250, 616, 623, 626, 654.
Mutiny, 251, 282, 394, 467, 493.
Myres, Jacob, 273, 530. John,
Nails, 608.
Nanticoke Indians, xxvii, 310,
536, 620. See also Indians.
Nanticoke River, 525, 526, 656.
Nashon, William, 672.
Naturalization of Protestants,
92, 344, 421, 424.
Naval Officers, see Officers.
Naval Power, 593.
Negroes, 288, 289, 290, 428, 429,
460, 461, 462, 463, 640; duty
on, xvi, xxi, 14, 147, 230, 232,
325, 5i6, 517, 564, 565, 567;
population, xxxi. See also
Neutrals, 450. See also French.
Newcastle County (on Dela-
ware), 31, 36, 81, 88, 89, 92,
286, 449.
New England, xxv, 331.
Newfoundland, 204, 205.