658 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 14-Oci. 9, 1756.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Hardship should such accidental Damage and Loss fall on the In-
spectors, or Owner of the said Warehouse :
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
[Loss of
damaged at
to be made
good by
a Levy.]
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Inspectors of the said Warehouse
do deliver, upon Oath, an Account of the Tobacco so damaged as
aforesaid to the Justices of the next County Court, to be held for
the said County, and a List Containing the Names of the several
Persons whose Tobacco hath been damaged as aforesaid, and the
exact Quantity of Tobacco damaged as aforesaid, belonging to each
Person, mentioned in such List; and the said Justices shall, and are
hereby directed and impowered, at the next November Court, to be
held for the said County, to assess and levy a Quantity of Tobacco
on the taxable Inhabitants thereof, to the Amount of the Quantity
of Tobacco which shall appear to them to be damaged as aforesaid,
together with the Sheriff's Salary for collecting the same; out of
which, the respective Proprietors of the Tobacco damaged as afore-
said, shall be paid their several Claims by Order or Orders drawn
by the said Justices on the Sheriff of the said County.
And whereas the last Election of Inspectors for Piles's Ware-
[Failure in
Election of
house, in Charles County aforesaid, was not made pursuant to the
Act, entituled, An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for pre-
venting Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of
Officers Fees, whereby the said Inspectors are not duly qualified to
act as such; and the Time of Election of Inspectors, according to
the said Act, is elapsed: Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That the Vestrymen and Church-Wardens of Trinity
Parish, in the County aforesaid, wherein the Warehouse aforesaid
hath been Erected and Established in Virtue of the said recited Act,
do meet together at the Church of the said Parish, between the
Twentieth and Twenty-fifth Day of October, in the Year of our
Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-six, and proceed to
nominate and recommend to the Governor and Commander in Chief
of this Province, for the Time being, Four sufficient Planters, well
skilled in Tobacco, for the Execution of the Office of Inspectors,
at the Warehouse aforesaid.
And be it Enacted, That the Vestrymen and Church-Wardens
tions to
be return'd
to the
p. 399
aforesaid, do forthwith transmit a Certificate of such Nomination
and Recommendation to the Sheriff of the said County, who shall
forthwith transmit the same to the Clerk of the Council, for the Time
being, to be by him immediately laid before the Governor or Com-
mander in Chief, for the Time being; out of which said Four Per-
sons to be nominated and recommended as aforesaid, the Governor
or Commander in Chief shall or may appoint, by Warrant under
his Hand, Two Persons, to execute the Office of Inspectors at the