The Lower House. 647
he would receive the Address in an Hour's Time in the Conference
Ordered, That M.r Carroll, with Three more, do present the Ad-
dress to his Excellency.
Philip Thomas, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker the several Paper Bills of the ingrossed Bills that were
Assented to this Session, which Paper Bills were severally thus
indorsed; By the Upper House of Assembly, 8th October, 1756. The
ingrossed Bill, whereof this is the Original, is Read and Assented to.
Signed -p Order. J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
M.r Walter Dulany brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker the
following Report, viz.t
Maryland ss.t
At a Committee of both Houses of Assembly, appointed
to inspect the Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners
L. H. J.
Liber No, 48
October g
for Emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of As-
sembly, Octo 8th, 1756.
Were Present,
The Honble Col. Richard Lee, of the Upper House;
p. 373
M.r Walter Dulany,
M.r Josiah Beall,
M.r John Bracco,
Major William Hynson,
Capt. Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer,
Capt. John Gassaway,
M.r Bayne Smallwood, | of the Lower House.
M.r Henry Casson,
M.r James John Mackall,
M.r Thomas Reynolds,
M.r George Fraser,
Capt. Henry Travers,
M.r John Hawkins, junior,
M.r William Govane,
Who make Choice of and Appoint the Honble Col. Richard Lee
Chairman and Richard Dorsey their Clerk and proceed to make the
following Report.
Your Committee find, that there remains in the Iron Chest, N.o 2
of the Sum of £4015.6 which was Signed, and not Circulated, and
made Current by an Act of Assembly, entituled, An Act for granting
a Supply of Forty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's Service, &c
the Sum of £1188.7 the Commissioners having paid the Agents, in