The Lower House. 635
Time thereafter shipped in any Ship or Vessel, to be exported out of
this Province, on Condition that his said Lordship should receive his
Rents and Fines for Alienation of Lands, in good, sound, merchant-
able Tobacco, when tendered, at the Rate of Two-pence per Pound
for one Moiety of the said Imposition; the other Moiety, by the said
Act raised, to be employed towards maintaining a constant Maga-
zine, and defraying other public and necessary Charges of the
And whereas former Assemblies, upon strict Enquiry made into
the Premisses, did find his said Lordship had not only been very
deficient, and at small Charge and Expence in maintaining a Maga-
zine as aforesaid, but that this Province hath been obliged to defray
all public Charges, arising for the Support of Government, by Way
of an equal Assessment upon the Inhabitants thereof; the several
Provisoes in the afore-recited Act, to the contrary, notwithstanding.
And whereas also his said Lordship the aforesaid Moiety of Two
Shillings per Hogshead, under Pretext of maintaining a Magazine
as aforesaid (until Time of their late Majesties King William and
Queen Mary taking this Province under their immediate Protection),
did convert to his own Use, to the Impoverishing of the Country,
and Defraud of the Public; and being incapacitated of complying
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
October 5
with what by the said Act, for the said Moiety of Two Shillings per
Hogshead, is required :
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Queen's most excellent Majesty,
by and with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's Governor,
Council, and Assembly of this Province, and the Authority of the
same, That the said One Shilling per Hogshead for defraying the
Charges of Government aforesaid, as well for such Ships or Vessels
as have already cleared before the making of this Act, as for such
remaining in this Province, be raised, levied, collected, and paid
unto our Sovereign Lady the Queen's most excellent Majesty, her
Heirs, and Successors, for the Support of her Government for the
Time being, in and over this her Majesty's Province aforesaid, and
the Territories to the same belonging, for every Hogshead and Quan-
tity of an Hogshead of Tobacco, which have been for and during the
Time aforesaid, or which hereafter shall be at any Time shipped in
any Ship or Vessel, to be exported out of this Province, or any the
Territories, Islands, Ports, Rivers, Creeks, or Places, thereunto
belonging, as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with
the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the said Duty and Imposi-
tion shall be from Time to Time paid and satisfied by the Master
or Masters of every such Ship or Vessel respectively, in which any
such Tobacco shall be exported, upon his or their Clearing, or taking
out his or their Dispatch or Dispatches, for every such respective
Ship or Vessel, and before the Departure of such Ship or Vessel com-
P. 356