The Lower House. 589
A sufficient Number of Delegates, to compose the Lower House
of Assembly, having met at the Stadt-House, Ordered, That M.r
John Goldsborough and M.r Robert Lloyd do acquaint his Excellency
They return and acquaint M.r Speaker with their having delivered
the Message.
Col. Hammond, and Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; from the Upper
House, acquaint M.r Speaker, That the Governor requires the At-
tendance of the Lower House immediately in the Upper House.
M.r Speaker left the Chair, and with the rest of the Members of
the Lower House attended the Governor in the Upper House; where
his Excellency made the following Speech, viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
I have been obliged to call you together, before the Time to which
you were Prorogued at the Conclusion of the last Session, by some
Letters that I have lately received from one of his Majesty's prin-
cipal Secretaries of State, and the Earl of Loudoun: By the first I
am required to recommend it to you in a particular Manner to make
Provision, out of the Fund that is already raised in this Province,
for repaying the Masters of such Indented Servants as have been
entertained or may enlist in his Majesty's Forces, the Money paid
by the said Masters upon the original Contract, in Proportion to the
Time such Indented Servant had or may have to serve at the Time
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
of their engaging in his Majesty's Service: That these are his
Majesty's Instructions and Expectations, you will see by one of the
Letters that will be laid before you; and as nothing but the Interest
of your Constituents seems to be consulted thereby, I doubt not but
you will, out of Regard to them, as well as in Obedience to his Maj-
esty's Commands, readily appropriate to this Use part of the Sum
which was lately granted for his Majesty's Service, and is yet un-
expended. By the Earl of Loudoun's Letter, you will find, that the
present Situation of Affairs on this Continent lays his Lordship
under a Necessity of conjuring and requiring you, in the most earnest
and importunate Manner, to levy a Number of Men in this Colony,
with the utmost Expedition, for the Regiment which his Majesty
has graciously ordered to be raised in America, for the Defence
of these Colonies. What makes his Lordship so urgent, and induces
him to press you for a Number of Recruits at this Juncture, rather
than Aid in any other Shape, you will learn from his Letter: And
as his Majesty has signified his Pleasure, and expects you will apply
the Money that you have raised or may grant for the Public Service,
as the Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces on the Conti-
nent shall direct, I persuade myself you will not hesitate to appro-
priate Part of the Money already Granted, in the Manner that his
Lordship requires, especially as you must all be convinced, that by
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