540 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 23-May 22, 1756.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
the above Sums of Money shall be assessed, to discharge and pay
the same in Gold and Silver, at the same Rates as by the Act, entituled,
An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds
p. 277
in his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers Fees,
made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of
Annapolis, the second Day of October, in the Year of our Lord One
thousand seven hundred and fifty-three, Gold and Silver is directed
to be received in all Payments made in Virtue of that Act.
Provided also, That it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs
Clerks to
give Certifi-
cates of
their being
of the several and respective Counties respectively, and they are
hereby required not to pay to the said Jonas Green the said respective
Sums of Money herein before mentioned, or any Part thereof, to
be assessed and levied for his Use, unless it shall be made appear to
them, by a Certificate from the Clerk of the respective County
(which Certificate shall be given by the Clerk without Fee or Re-
ward), that the Public Laws, and the Votes and Proceedings of this
present Session, and every future Session, during the Continuance
of this Act, were printed and delivered, in Manner and Form, and
within the Time by this Act respectively directed; any Thing herein
before contained, to the contrary, in any wise, notwithstanding.
[Laws and
Votes to go
as Public
And be it likewise Enacted, That the several and respective Sheriffs,
within this Province, shall, and they are hereby directed and required
to receive and forward the said Laws, with the Votes and Proceedings
aforesaid, to the Clerks of the several County Courts, and Members
of each House of Assembly, as Public Letters are by the Laws of
this Province directed to be forwarded.
And whereas in Virtue of an Act of Assembly, entituled, An Act
[Last Year's
to be paid by
the 20th of
June next.]
for the speedy and effectual Publication of the Laws of this Province,
and for the Encouragement of Jonas Green, of the City of An-
napolis, Printer, made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at
the City of Annapolis, on the second Day of October, in the Year of
our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty-three, the Justices
of the several and respective County Courts, within this Province,
did make an Allowance of Twenty Pounds Current Money of this
Province to the said Jonas Green in the Levy laid for each respective
P. 278
County in November, Seventeen hundred and fifty-five, and by the
Expiration of the said Act, it may be doubted, whether the Sheriffs
of the several and respective Counties may or ought to pay the same
to the said Jonas Green or his Order; Be it therefore Enacted, That
it shall and may be lawful to and for the Sheriffs of the several and
respective Counties, and they and each of them are hereby directed
and required to pay to the said Jonas Green, or his Order, the said
Sum of Twenty Pounds, so as aforesaid to him allowed and assessed
in their respective County Levies, on or before the twentieth Day of
June next, without any Abatement or Deduction whatever.