Liber H. S.
No. 1
[No Part
of the
25,000 1. by
this Act
appointed for
the Expedi-
tion, shall be
until the
that the
Colonies will
their Quotas,
And be it further Enacted, That no Part of the Twenty-five Thou-
sand Pounds, by this Act applied for the carrying on an Expedition,
in Conjunction with the neighbouring Colonies, shall be laid out or
expended in any Manner whatsoever, until the Governor or Com-
mander in Chief, for the Time being, of this Province, shall have
received from the Governors of all the said Colonies, or of Virginia
and Pennsylvania only, undoubted Assurance, that the Assemblies of
their respective Governments will contribute their reasonable Quotas
towards the supporting and carrying on such Expedition: But that
then and in such Case, the Sum of Twenty-five Thousand Pounds,
by this Act directed to be applied to the enlisting Men, purchasing
Arms, and defraying all the other necessary Expences of such Expe-
dition, shall not be taken or drawn out of the Loan-Office of this
Province; but shall be and remain in the said Office, to be applied
as the General Assembly of this Province shall hereafter direct and
appoint; any Thing in this Act, to the contrary, notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, That all Freemen that shall or may
voluntarily enlist themselves, or be drafted and ballotted, according
to the Direction of this Act, from any of the Companies of the Militia
of the several Counties of this Province, to compleat the Number of
Two Hundred Men ( including Officers ) , which are to be employed
at the Fort and Block-Houses, by this Act directed to be built, for
the Security and Protection of the Frontier Inhabitants, and all Men
that shall or may be enlisted or raised for carrying on any Expedi-
tion, in Conjunction with the neighbouring Governments, in Manner
before mentioned, shall, over and above the Bounty-Money given to
[Officers and
in Manner following, that is to say, To every Captain, having the
Command of a Company of Ninety-nine Men, including Officers,
Twelve Shillings and six Pence per Day: To every Lieutenant of
such Company, Six Shillings and eight Pence per Day: To every
Ensign Five Shillings per Day: To a Gun-Smith to be employed
in the Fort, Two Shillings and six Pence per Day: To every Ser-
jeant, One Shilling and six Pence by the Day: To every Corporal,
One Shilling and two Pence by the Day. To every Drummer, One
Shilling and two Pence by the Day: And to each and every private
Soldier, Nine Pence by the Day: To a Surgeon at the Fort, Six
Shillings by the Day, and Medicines to be found by the Agent out
of the Money raised by this Act: To a Surgeon, who shall attend the
Expedition aforesaid, to be allowed for himself and Mate Twelve
Shillings and six Pence per Day, and Medicines to be found as afore-
said: To a Commissary of Stores, Seven Shillings and six Pence per
Day: Which several Officers, Gun-Smith, Surgeon, Commissary of
Stores, and Soldiers, are hereby directed duly to be paid monthly.