and made current, by Virtue of an Act of Assembly for emitting and
making current Ninety Thousand Pounds Current Money in Bills of
Credit within this Province, now do and are.
And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners or Trustees
for emitting Bills of Credit, for the Time being, shall, and are hereby
obliged and directed to pay out of any other Bills of Credit already
p. 208
circulated, and now remaining in the said Office, or which shall next
hereafter be re-paid or received into the said Office, the Sum of Five
Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-four Pounds Fourteen Shil-
lings, unto the Person or Persons hereafter for that Purpose directed.
And for the more effectual answering the good Intentions of his
Majesty's Subjects, the People of this Province, it is prayed that it
may be Enacted,
[5984 1. 14s.
to be deliv-
ered out of
the Paper-
And be it Enacted, by and with the Authority, Advice, and Con-
sent aforesaid, That Bills of Credit, to the Value of Thirty Thou-
sand Pounds Current Money of America, according to an Act of
Parliament made in the sixth Year of the Reign of the late Queen
Anne, for ascertaining the Rates of foreign Coins in the Plantations,
shall be printed and struck with all convenient Speed, on good single
Paper, under the Care and Directions of the Commissioners or
Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit, for the Time being, in Man-
ner and Form following: " This Indented Bill of shall
pass Current for the Sum herein mentioned, in all Payments, accord-
ing to the Directions of an Act of Assembly of Maryland. Dated
in Annapolis the Day of Anno Domini ": Which
Bills of Credit shall be signed, numbered, and dated, by the Com-
missioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit; and the Sum of
Money that each and every of the said Bills is to pass for, shall be
printed at the Top of each Bill in Words at length, which such
Devices and Marks on the said Bills as the said Commissioners or
Trustees shall think fit and direct, as well to prevent Counterfeits as
to distinguish their several Denominations; which said Bills shall be
of the several and respective Denominations following, and no other,
to wit, eight Thousand Bills of Twenty Shillings each, twelve Thou-
sand Bills of Fifteen Shillings each, twelve Thousand Bills of Ten
Shillings each, twelve Thousand Bills of Five Shillings each, twelve
Thousand Bills of Two Shillings and Six-pence each, ten Thousand
Bills of Two Shillings each, ten Thousand Bills of one Shilling and
Six-pence each, ten Thousand Bills of One Shilling each, ten Thou-
sand Bills of Six-pence each. And the said Commissioners or Trus-
tees, for emitting Bills of Credit, are hereby directed and required to
use the best of their Care and Diligence that the said Bills, according
to their respective Denominations aforesaid, and according to the
[Bills of
Credit to the
Value of
30,000 1. to
be struck.]