478 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 23-May 22, 1756.
No. 3
Liber H. S.
No. 1
An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance of Frederick County
Whereas many of the Suitors and Witnesses, in Causes depending
in Frederick County Court, cannot attend the said County Court,
without leaving the Back-Inhabitants of the said County in a defence-
less Situation:
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
p. 205
Authority of the same, That all Causes and Pleas now depending in
Court con-
tinued to
the said County Court, and which, by Adjournment of the said
Court, are to be determined on the Monday next before the third
Tuesday of March in this present Year, shall be, and are, by Virtue
of this Act, continued from the Monday before the third Tuesday of
March aforesaid, until the third Tuesday of June next, and that the
said Causes and Pleas shall be then in the same Plight and Condi-
tion, as they would have been on the Monday before the third Tues-
day of March aforesaid, any Law, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary,
[All Causes,
&c. either
Civil or
depending in
or returnable
to March
Court, ad-
journed to
June Court.]
And be it further Enacted, That all Causes, Pleas, Process, and
Proceedings, either Civil or Criminal, now depending in, or return-
able to, the County Court of the said County, to be held the third
Tuesday of March this present Year, shall be, and are by Virtue of
this Act, continued, from the third Tuesday of March aforesaid, until
the third Tuesday in June next, and that all and every the said
Causes, Pleas, Process, and Proceedings, shall be then in the same
Plight and Condition, as they would have been on the third Tues-
day of March aforesaid: any Law, Usage, or Custom, to the con-
trary, notwithstanding.
And whereas many Persons who are Plaintiffs in Actions now
depending in the said Court, and which would be determined at the
said third Tuesday of March, if the said Court was to sit and pro-
ceed to Business, may be indigent and necessitous, and may greatly,
if not wholly depend on the Sums of Money or Tobacco, for which
they have commenced and prosecuted such Actions, for supplying
their Necessities, Payment of their Debts, or carrying on the Busi-
ness of their Professions :
issued on
had in June,
to be under
the like Cir-
with those
on Judg-
ments in
Be it Enacted, by and with the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That on all Judgments which shall be had and recovered
at June Court next, in Actions which are continued by this Act, it
shall and may be lawful, at any Time before the tenth Day of August
next, to issue Execution's to satisfy the Debts, Damages, and Costs
therein mentioned, which said Executions shall stand in the same
Condition, and be equally available to the Person or Persons suing
out the same, as if the same had been sued out before the tenth Day
of May; any Thing in any of the Laws of this Province, for staying