I shall, by Proclamation, order to be strictly put into Execution, till
one more perfect and effectual can be made, for that Purpose. I hope
the Provision that is now made for the Protection of the Inhabitants,
will give them some Satisfaction; and though I could wish that a
larger Share of the Forty Thousand Pounds, had been appropriated
to the immediate Defence of the Frontiers; yet, I hope enough is
Liber No. 48
May 22
done to revive the Spirits of the back Inhabitants, and encourage
them as least to remain on their respective Plantations. And, Gentle-
men, as you have, in the Supply-Bill, signified an earnest Desire to
be convened again in the Winter, I propose to gratify you, unless
such a Step should then appear unnecessary, or any extraordinary
Occurrence oblige me to put the Country to the Expence of a Session
before: In the mean Time, I desire you will, in your several Coun-
ties, exert yourselves as becomes worthy Members of the Com-
munity, and a Branch of the Legislature; and that by promoting
Harmony among the People by your Conversation, and discourag-
ing by your Influence such Practices as may tend to disquiet the
Minds of your Constituents and to disturb the Public Tranquility,
you will endeavour to convince all factious and malevolent Persons,
that they cannot be more industrious in contriving Mischief, than
we are vigilant and careful to render their wicked Designs abortive.
Gentlemen of both Houses,
In Confidence that you will unanimously act this good Part, and
by your Conduct, as private Gentlemen, endeavour to approve your-
selves worthy of the Trust reposed in you, I heartily wish you all
Happiness and Prosperity; and, agreeable to your Desire, I do, with
the Advice of his Lordship's Council of State, Prorogue this Assem-
bly to the First Monday in January next, to which Day you are to
take Notice that you are prorogued accordingly.
So endeth this Session of Assembly, this 22d Day of May, in the
Sixth Year of his Lordship's Dominion, Annoque Domini, 1756.
Test. M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
p. 318