472 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 23-May 22, 1756.
Liber No. 48
May 22
the Sheriff of each County is hereby directed once in every Six
Months or oftner if required to deliver an Account to the Governor
or Commander in Chief for the Time being and another to the
Treasurer of each respective Shore of this Province to whom the
Said Sheriff shall pay all Such Sum and Sums of Money as he
shall receive in Virtue of this Act and the Said Treasurers are hereby
required and directed to pay to the Order of the Governor or Com-
mander in Chief for the Purposes aforesaid from Time to Time Such
Sum and Sums of Money as they shall receive as aforesaid and the
Said Treasurers are hereby required and directed to lay an Account
before the General Assembly of this Province every Session of the
disposition of the said Money.
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that all and every
Sum and Sums of Money, which shall be received by any Officer of
the Militia, in Virtue of this Act, Shall be forthwith paid Such
Officer into the Hands of the Sheriff of the County wherein Such
Offender shall reside; which Said Sheriff is herbey required and
directed to render Accounts and Pay the Same to the Treasurers as
before directed, which Said Treasurers are hereby required and
directed to render Accounts and pay Such Money as before directed,
and in Case any Officer who shall receive any Sum of Money as
aforesaid shall depart this Life without Payment thereof into the
Hands of the Sheriff as aforesaid the Executor or Administrator
of Such Officer shall be liable to the Payment thereof before any
other Debt whether on Judgment or otherwise any Law Usage or
Custom notwithstanding. And every Officer who shall receive Money
as aforesaid in Virtue of this Act, shall transmit an Account thereof,
once in every Six Months, to the Governor or Commander in Chief
for the Time being, and pay the Same as aforesaid, on pain of for-
feiting double the Sum of Money by him Received on default of
such Payment, and also of being degraded and compelled to Serve
as a Private Man in the Militia of his County.
p. 315
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that if any Sum
or Sums of Money to be levied or raised in Virtue of this Act, shall
be unapplied to the Uses and Purposes in this Act Mentioned and
directed, Such Sum or Sums of Money so unapplied, shall be applied
to such Uses and Purposes as shall be directed by the next General
Assembly thereafter.
And be in Enacted by the Authority aforesaid; that the Office
Bonds of all Sheriffs shall be deemed to be liable to make good all
and every the Sum and Sums of Money, which they shall receive
in Virtue of or by Direction of this Act. And be it Enacted by the
authority aforesaid that if any Person or Persons, Shall be Sued
or impleaded for any matter or thing lawfully done, or Commanded
to be done, in the Execution or by Virtue of this Act, he or they
shall or may plead the General Issue, and give this Act in Evidence