A sufficient Number of the Members of the Lower House being
convened at the Stadt-House, Ordered, That M.r Edward Tilghman
and Capt. Jordan, do acquaint his Excellency therewith.
They return and acquaint M.r Speaker that they delivered the
George Plater, and Richard Lee, Esq.rs from the Upper House,
acquaint M.r Speaker that the Governor requires the Attendance of
the Lower House immediately in the Upper House.
M.r Speaker left the Chair, and with the rest of the Members of
the Lower House went to the Upper House where his Excellency
made a Speech to both Houses of Assembly.
M.r Speaker (with the Members of the Lower House) Returned
and reassumed the Chair.
On Reading here the Governor's Speech a Copy of which was
Delivered by him to M.r Speaker, Contained in the following Words,