the Oath of Abjuration and the Test in the Presence of the Naval
Officer or his Deputy of the same Port/except as before Excepted/
and that the Same Clerk shall have and Receive for his so doing
the Sum of Twenty pounds Current Money p Annum to be paid
by the Treasurer of the Western Shoar for the time being out of
the Money he shall Receive for the Use of this Province which
said Treasurer is hereby Authorized and required to Pay the same
upon the Order of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the
time being, in 5.th Line of the 3d Page instead of, Five pounds, put,
Two pounds, Ten Shillings, and in the same Line put, fifty pounds
instead of two hundred pounds, in the 9th Line of the same Page
instead of Four hundred, put, One hundred, in the 13.th Line of the
same Page, put Ten, instead of fifty, in the 14th Line put, One,
instead of, four, in the 18.th Line put three hundred, instead of
five hundred, Instead of the words, to the Sole use & Benefit of
the Informer, or him, her, or them, that will Sue for the same being
a Protestant or Protestants, in the 19th and 20th Lines Put, to be
applied in the same manner as is herein before directed, in the 13th
Line of the 4th Page, instead of Ten, put, five, in the fourth Line
of 5th Page instead of, Twenty, put, Ten. After the word Act in
the last Line but two of the last Page insert the following Proviso
& Clause instead of the Remaining Part of the Bill. Provided Always
that if any Importer of any such German or French Papist, Layman,
Popish Priest or Jesuit shall desire to Export them or any of them
within three Months from the Time of their Entry and make Report
thereof to the said Naval Officer and shall Export all or any of
the same German or French Papists Layman Popish Priests or
Jesuits by him Imported as af .d it shall and may be Lawful for every
Naval Officer to Repay the same duty to the same Importer for such
German or French Papists Layman Popish Priests or Jesuits, so
as af.d by them received in proportion to the Number of them that
shall be so Exported
This Act not to take Place untill his Lordships Pleasure be known.
Sent to the Lower house by Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Adjourned till three of the clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for regulating
the Rates of Carriage and Quartering Soldiers in Public houses
within this Province for his Majestys Service and will pass with
the following amendments in the 11 Line of the first Page after
the word, Expedition, Leave out, to the Westward or Northward of
this Province, after the word, Forces in the 14th Line leave out to
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
March 20