The Lower House. 359
Excellency has not assured us that the Application of the Protestant
Gentlemen, in the Neighbourhood of these Persons, was immediately
from themselves, we think we have Room to suspect, that their
Names might have been made use of without their Privity and
Consent; and we are the rather induced to believe this, as we are
well assured by the annexed Deposition, that in the latter Instance
of Bevan's Wife, the Party injured, M.r Roundell, was not of the
Number of those at whose earnest Request a Pardon was granted.
We have been the more particular in observing upon these In-
stances, with a Design, that such as may have presumed to give
partial and delusive Information of them to your Excellency, may
be detected and censured.
It was by no Means our Intention, by our Address, to prescribe
Limits to your Excellency's Clemency, to controvert your Power of
Pardoning Delinquents, or invade or infringe any other the un-
doubted Rights of the Supreme Magistrate: But when we see these
Powers exercised against the true Spirit of a British Constitution,
we presume it to be our undoubted Right to remonstrate against it ;
and we can assure your Excellency, that, in doing so, in these par-
ticular Instances, we have not acted against the Sense and Desire of
our Constituents.
As your Excellency is at a Loss to know what the Expectations
of the People were, with respect to the Attorney-General Henry
Darnall, Esq; and the Judge his Brother, we hope we shall not offend
in acquainting you that they are no other, than that they should be
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
April 8
Removed from those Places of Trust and Profit they enjoy; and
these Expectations of the People, we think far from being unreason-
able. It may be true, that they have conformed to the Established
Church; but it is no less true, that since their Conformity they have
afforded Proofs, by no Means equivocal, of their Attachment to,
and Continuance in, their old Religious Principles. The Attorney-
General, for Instance, sent his Son to a Popish Seminary for his
Education, and the Wives and Children of Both continue in the
open and public .Profession and Exercise of the Popish Religion.
Thus we refer it to your Excellency's Consideration, whether these
Gentlemen have rendered themselves justly obnoxious to the People :
And we assure your Excellency that we do not know, nor can
believe, while the Facts here mentioned are in Sight, that they are
lawfully qualified to hold any Employment.
To conclude, we shall now dismiss a Subject, altho' it is far from
being exhausted, upon which many fruitless Representations have
been made to our Governors; and if we should now be deceived, in
our entire Dependence that your Excellency will Redress our Ag-
grievances abovementioned, we shall despair of finding any Relief
here; but at the same Time, from a just Apprehension of the Evils
p. 221