348 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 23-May 22, 1756.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
April i
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
I have just received Letters from Major Prather, advising me.
that he was disposing the Ranging Parties, of which he has the
Command, in such a Manner, as will most probably give them an
Opportunity of engaging a Party of Indians that has already done
some Mischief on the Frontiers, near Mills's Fort. As the Money
that you some Time since granted for the Support of these Ranging
Parties is very near expended, and you have taken no Notice of my
former Message on this Subject, I am obliged to apply to you once
more, and hope to be speedily informed of your Resolutions thereon,
that I may, by M.r Dixon, who waits for my Answer, write to the
Officers, either to keep up their respective Parties, if you think it
necessary, or to disband them immediately, if you judge that Step
most proper.
April 1.st 1756 Hor.o Sharpe.
p. 210
Which was read; and Ordered, That Col. Tilghman, M.r Matthew
Tilghman, M.r Murdock, and M.r Carroll, do prepare and bring in
an Address to his Excellency, in Answer thereto.
Col. Tilghman brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker an Address
to his Excellency; which was read, approved, and ordered to be
On Motion, the Question was put, That his Excellency be allowed
the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, provided he goes on the Expe-
dition to the Westward. Resolved in the Affirmative.
For the Affirmative,
T. Reeder, Dennis, Baker,
Hynson, Waggaman, Murdock,
Williamson, J. Goldsborough, Bordley,
Wallis, Edmondson, Dulany,
Hammond, Edge, Lloyd,
Hall, Gray, E. Tilghman,
Carroll, Paca, Casson,
Smallwood, Tolley, Scarborough,
Jordan, Smith, J. Henry,
R. Henry, Earle, B. Handy,
Handy, Hyland, Chapline. [33]
For the Negative,
J. Reeder, Govane, Bracco,
Gassaway, Ward, Evans,
Reynolds, Addison, Crabb,
B. Mackall, Fraser, Beall.
Stoddert, Hawkins, [14]