The Lower House. 327
Ordered, That the Journal of Accounts be closed on next Wednes-
day, being the 17th Instant.
Philip Hammond, Esq; from the Committee of Laws, brings in
and delivers to M.r Speaker an Address to his Excellency; which was
read, approved, and ordered to be ingrossed.
The House adjourns until the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
March n
p. 190
P. 191
Friday Morning, 12th March, 1756.
The House met according to Adjournment: All the Members
appeared as Yesterday, except M.r J. Mackall.
On reading the Report, brought in from the Committee appointed
to consider of Ways and Means to raise Money for his Majesty's
Service, the Question was put, Whether an additional Duty of 2 d.
per Gallon shall be laid on home-made Spirits, or Not ? Resolved in
the Negative.
March 12
For the Negative,
J. Reeder, J. Goldsborough, Murdock,
Williamson, Edmondson, Fraser,
Hall, Edge. Hawkins,
Reynolds, Gray, Bordley,
B. Mackall, C. Goldsborough, Scarborough,
Smallwood, Paca, J. Henry,
Stoddert, Tolley, Evans,
Handy, Smith, Beall,
Dennis, Addison, Sprigg. [27]
For the Affirmative,
Mills, Jordan, Dulany,
Hynson, Waggaman, Lloyd,
Wallis, M. Tilghman, Casson,
Hammond, Govane, Bracco,
Carroll, Earle, Crabb,
Fitzhugh, Ward, Chaplin. [18]
The Question was put, Whether a Duty of 2d per Gallon be laid
on all retailed Spirits distilled in this Province from Peaches, Cyder,
Rye, Wheat, Barley, or any Grain or Fruit of the Growth of this
Province, or Not Resolved in the Affirmative.