306 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 23-May 22, 1756.
Liber No. 48:
February 26
p. 169
Were Present
The Honble Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; of the Upper House.
M.r Walter Dulany,
M.r Michael Earle,
M.r James Edge, | Of the Lower House.
Capt. Alexander Williamson, And
M.r John Bracco,
Who make choice of and appoint the Honble Samuel Chamber-
laine, Esq; Chairman; and Richard Dorsey their Clerk; and proceed
to make the following Report.
Your Committee find, That the Commissioners have closed their
Books to the 17th Day of Febry Instant, by which it appears that there
remains of the £89990 a Ballance in the Iron Chest of £4117..8..4
and that since the closing of the Books they have received the Sum
of £440.. 0.. 2 1/4 amounting in the whole to £4557...8..6 1/4
Which is submitted to the Consideration of both Houses of As-
sembly. Samuel Chamberlaine,
Walter Dulany,
Michael Earle,
James Edge,
Alexander Williamson,
John Bracco.
The Order of the Day being read ;
On Motion, the House resolved into a Committee of the whole
House, to consider of Ways and Means to raise a Sum of Money
towards his Majesty's Service.
M.r Speaker left the Chair.
M.r Speaker re-assumed the Chair.
M.r Lloyd, Chairman, from the Committee of the whole House,
delivers to M.r Speaker the following Report, viz.t
That the Committee of the whole House had proceeded to take
into Consideration the Matter referred to them by the Honourable
House; but not having had Time to compleat the same, prays Leave
of the House, That the said Committee may sit again to proceed
further on the said Affair.
On Consideration of the said Report, Resolved, That this House
will, on the Morrow Morning, Resolve itself into a Committee of the
whole House, to consider further of Ways and Means to raise a Sum
of Money towards his Majesty's Service.
Benedict Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker a Petition of the back Inhabitants of Frederick County;
indorsed, By the Upper House of Assembly, read and recommended