Benjamin Tasker Esq :r Attended by the Members of this House
Presents to his Excellency the Address of this House which follows
in these words
To His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq.r Governor and Com-
mander in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland
The Humble Address of the upper House of Assembly
May it Please your Excellency
We beg leave to return your Excellency our unfeigned thanks
for your Speech at the opening of this Session and to Assure your
Excellency it is with the deepest Concern we see the Miseries our
Fellow Subjects daily Suffer from Cruel and Barbarous Savages
and His Majesties Territories Possessed by the faithless French in
open Violation of the Most Solemn Treaties and we Rejoice to
hear from your Excellency a Plan has been Concerted by General
Shirley for Preventing their farther Encroachments and of dis-
possessing them of what they most unjustly made themselves Masters
of, We Sincerely wish it Success And shall with the greatest Chear-
f ulness and alacrity Contribute all in our power to Enable the General
to Carry it into Execution being Perfectly Convinced that without
the most Vigorous and Joint Efforts of all his Majestys Colonies
at the time we Run the greatest Risque of losing everything we
hold Dear
The Laws your Excellency Recommended to us for better Regu-
lating the Militia and for preventing the Exportation of Warlike
Stores and Provisions to the Enemy we think Absolutely Necessary
and such Laws shall meet with our hearty Concurrence.
Permit us Sir to take this opportunity thankfully to acknowledge
your Zealous Concern for the welfare of the Province Manifested
after the defeat of His Majestys Forces when you heastened to the
Frontiers and put them in the best Posture of defence things would
at that time admitt and to declare that we think from this Prudent
Conduct of your Excellencys our Borders have been preserved from
the Calamities our Neighbours now Suffer
Benj :a Tasker President
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock