and some of the Provincial Forces were then Engaged and the Con-
sequences thereof to these Southern Colonies most of the Delaware
and Shawanese Tribes who were then Esteemed our Friends the
French by their Artifices have now withdrawn them from their
Attachment to His Majestys Subjects, and Instigated them to make
the Frontier Inhabitants feel and Experience the Calamities of an
Indian War, with Impunity have these Blood thirsty Savages laid
Great part of three Provinces desolate Flushed with Victory they
bid us defiance and Insolently threaten that their Cruel Rage will
not be Satisfied with less then our Exterpation, but decline to Enlarge
on this Topick lest I should seem to Suspect that your Resentment
is not already Sufficiently Raised by the Conduct of these Barbarians
or that you Continue Indifferent Spectators of their Transactions
that such a Suspicion would be Groundless and most unjust I am
Confident and flatter myself that you will let nothing at this time
divert you from providing against their Incursions for the future
and for the Services that I have now Recommended to your con-
As the Reasons that Induced you at your last meeting to make
an Act for Preventing Warlike Stores and Provisions being Carried
from this Province to our Enemies Still Subsist you will I doubt not
think proper to Revive it lest any ill disposed Persons should have
taken Advantage of that Acts Expiring before I could give you an
Opportunity of Continuing it I ordered the Naval Officers to take of
such Persons as should Export Provisions or Warlike Stores
Security for their being Landed at some Port or Place within His
Majestys Dominions as was directed by that Law, and as is done
in all the Neighbouring Colonies as this Step was Expedient and
necessary I hope it will meet with your approbation I beg leave to
mention once more the insufficiency of our Laws to oblige the Service
of any one in defence of their Country Hopeing that you will take
the same under your consideration that as our Safety at this Season
must in a great Measure depend on the Militia's being well Armed,
disciplined and under proper Regulations that you will Supply the
defects of the Militia Laws at present in Force with such an Act as
the Situation of affairs at this Juncture calls for and requires