Acts. 207
carry the same to any Port belonging to the Kings of Spain or
Portugal, whilst in Amity with his Majesty, in Europe or Africa,
first giving Bond with Surety as aforesaid, in the Sum aforesaid,
conditioned, that such Ammunition, Warlike Stores, Wheat, Indian
Corn, or Provisions as aforesaid, shall be landed in some or one of
the Ports aforesaid; and that a Certificate, under the Hand and Seal
of the British Consul, or his Deputy, residing in such Port, returned
in Eighteen Months to the Naval Officer taking such Bond, shall
vacate the same; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof, in
any wise, notwithstanding.
This Act to continue to the first Day of January, which shall be
Liber H. S.
No. i
in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty
5th July 1755 On behalf of the Right 5th July 1755
Read and assented to Honourable the Lord Read and assented to
by the Lower house of Proprietary of this Prov- by the Upper house of
assembly ince I will this be a Law assembly.
Signed p Order Hor.o Sharpe signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl lo ho J Ross Cl Up ho
|the Great |
| Seal |
No. 10 An Act for the Relief of Thomas Lambden, and Nathan Britting-
ham, languishing Prisoners in Worcester County Goal; Thomas
Todd, Jasper Hall, and Daniel Wells, languishing Prisoners in
Anne-Arundel County Goal; Benjamin Berry, a languishing Pris-
oner in Prince-George's County Goal; and Thomas Reynolds, a
languishing Prisoner in Frederick County Goal; and Edward
Dogan, a languishing Prisoner in Baltimore County Goal.
Whereas the said Thomas Lambden, Nathan Brittingham, Thomas
Todd, Jasper Hall, Daniel Wells, Benjamin Berry, Thomas Reynolds,
and Edward Dogan, by their humble Petition to this present Gen-
eral Assembly, have severally set forth, that they have continued
Prisoners for Debt, in the Custody of the Sheriffs of the several
Counties aforesaid, viz. the said Thomas Lambden and Nathan
Brittingham, under the Custody of the Sheriff of Worcester County;
Thomas Todd, Jasper Hall and Daniel Wells, under the Custody
of the Sheriff of Anne-Arundel County; Benjamin Berry, under
the Custody of the Sheriff of Prince-George's County; Thomas
Reynolds, under the Custody of the Sheriff of Frederick County ;
and Edward Dogan, under the Custody of the Sheriff of Balti-
more County; for a considerable Time past, and still continue in
the like deplorable Circumstances, not being able to redeem their
Bodies with all the Estate or Interest they have in the World, which
they would readily surrender up, and part with, to their several and
p. 194