184 Assembly Proceedings, June 23-July 8, 1755.
Liber No. 48
July 7
to the Directions of this Act, and shall not, within two Days after
he or they shall know thereof, make Information of the same to some
Justice of the Peace for the County, he or they shall forfeit and pay
the Sum of Ten Pounds Current Money, one Half thereof for the
Use of the Informer, and the other Half for the Use of this Act ;
to be recovered in a Summary Way, before one Magistrate, as in the
Case of small Debts, who is hereby impowered to receive and pay
the same, in Manner as is herein before directed. And the Justice,
or Justices, to whom such Information shall be made, are hereby
required immediately thereupon to issue his or their Warrant against
such Person or Persons, against whom such Information shall be
made to such Sheriff, Coroner, Deputy-Sheriff or Constable, to take
and bring such Person or Persons before some Justice of the County,
to answer such Complaint; and if it shall appear to such Justice,
upon Examination of such Person or Persons, that he or they hath
or have imported or brought into this Province, any Wine, Molasses
or Sugar, as aforesaid, except as before excepted, and hath or have
not duly entered the same, and paid, or secured to be paid, the Duties
aforesaid, according to the Directions of this Act, and the same
Wine, Molasses or Sugar, hath not been already seized and secured,
such Justice or Justices are hereby directed, to require such Person
or Persons so offending, to give good Security to appear at the next
County Court of the said County, to answer the same, and for
Want thereof, shall commit such Person or Persons to the Custody
of the Sheriff of the County, there to remain until he or they shall
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comply therewith; and the several Justices of the several County
Courts of this Province are herby directed and required, at their
several Courts, to give this Act in Charge to their several Grand
Juries, and direct them to Enquire into and make Presentment of
all Breaches thereof.
And be it further Enacted, That the Naval Officer aforesaid shall
yearly transmit to the Commissioners of the Loan Office, an Account,
upon Oath, of all the Monies by them respectively received, by
Virtue of this Act, for the Duties, Impositions and Forfeitures
aforesaid, and yearly pay the Monies aforesaid, so by them received,
retaining in his or their Hands respectively, a Commission of Two
and in Half per Centum, and that the Office Bonds of the said
Sheriffs and Naval Officers, and their Sureties in such Bonds re-
spectively, shall be answerable for, and subject to, the Payment of
all Monies, so by the said Sheriffs and Naval Officers respectively
received, by Virtue of this Act, and for any Breach of Duty by them
committed against the same.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or Trus-
tees of the Loan Office, for the Time being, shall, and they are hereby
obliged and required, to keep a distinct and particular Account of