L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
July 7
ported, or shall expose, or offer to sale, or otherwise use or dispose
of such Wine, Molasses or Sugar, or any Part thereof, so imported,
or brought in, as aforesaid, before due Entry thereof hath been
made, upon Oath, with the Naval Officer aforesaid, or his Deputy,
according to the Directions of this Act, or before the Duties due
and payable by this Act for the same have been paid and satisfied,
or secured to be paid to such Naval Officer, and a Permit from the
said Naval Officer, or his Deputy, under his Hand as aforesaid, for
the Landing, Using, or Disposing of the same, hath been obtained,
such Person, or Persons, so importing, or bringing the same into
this Province, shall forfeit and lose all such Molasses, and Sugars,
so imported, or brought into this Province, or the full Value thereof,
to be paid in Bills of Credit of this Province; one Half thereof to
be applied towards the Repaying and Replacing the aforesaid Sum
of Five Thousand Pounds, and the other Half to the Informer, or
him or them that will sue for the same, to be recovered, by Action
of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, with legal Costs of Suit, in
any Court of Record within this Province: And for the better
Encouragement of all Masters, Merchants, Owners and other Per-
sons whatsoever, to make due and true Entries, and Payments of the
Duties and Impositions raised by this Act, in Consideration of
Leakage, Shrinkage, or other Damage, the Naval Officer aforesaid
is hereby authorized and impowered to make an Allowance or
Abatement of Twenty Gallons in every Hundred Gallons of Wine
and Molasses, and of Twenty Pounds in every Hundred Pounds of
Sugar, so to be entered as aforesaid; and so pro Rato for a greater
or less Quantity: And the officers aforesaid, hereby appointed to
collect and receive the said Duties, shall be, and are hereby im-
powered, upon Suspicion of Fraund, or Deceit, by any Importer,
Owner, or Proprietor of any such Wine, Molasses or Sugar, brought
into this Province, in concealing and not making due Entry of the
same, to go and enter on board such Ship or Vessel, or into any
Warehouse, or other Out-House, where such Wines, Molasses or
Sugar, may or shall be put or placed, and view and examine the same,
and if, upon such Examination, it shall appear to the said Officer,
that the said Importer, or Owner, of any such Wine, Molasses or
Sugars, or other Person bringing the same into this Province, hath
not made due Entry of the same, or hath acted or done any Thing
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contrary to the true Intent of this Act, to seize and bring on shore,
or otherwise secure, all such Wines, Molasses and Sugars, so im-
ported or brought into this Province, for which the Duties aforesaid
are not duly paid, or secured to be paid; and that the said Officers,
and their Deputies, or any of them, shall and may freely stay and
remain on board, until such Wine, Molasses and Sugars, shall be
delivered and discharged out of the said Ship or Vessel: And all
Sheriffs, Coroners, Deputy-Sheriffs and Constables, are hereby en-