sumed to Encroach or. and build Fortresses within his Majestys
Teritories, But we cannot prevail with our selves to believe that this
Bill will have any such Effect but rather that the Imposition of an
Additional duty on every English Servant into this Province Seems
Calculated to impede such a Settlement and we leave to your Con-
sideration whether it would not be better in such a Conjuncture as
the present to encourage the Importation of Loyal English Subjects
by a bounty than to deter them from Coming among us, by laying a
duty on their heads at their Arrival with Respect to that Clause
that imposes an Additional duty on Criminals we fear it may be
Deemed to Clash with his Majestys Authority and that by Consent-
ing thereto We may draw a Censure from the Throne and Run the
Risque of incurring his Majestys displeasure We could Suggest
many other Reasons against this Bill, but not doubting but what we
have already said will be Sufficient to Convince you of the Impro-
priety of the Bill in its present form. We hope the fervent Zeal
for his Majestys Service and the Common Cause that actuated you
to Vote for such a Generous Supply will incline You to Testify
your Sincere Intentions by framing a very Different Bill from that
which We now return you
Signed -p Order John Ross Cl Up. Ho.
Richard Lcc Esq.r from the Committee Appointed to Inspect the
Accounts and proceedings of the Commissioners of the Paper Cur-
rency Office brings in the following Report viz.t
Maryland ss.t
At a Committee of both houses of Assembly Appointed to Inspect
the office and proceedings of the Commissioners for Emiting Bills
of credit established by Act of Assembly
26 February 1755
Were Present
The Honourable Richard Lee Esq.r of the Upper House
M.r Walter Dulany, M.r Michael Earle
Cot John Henry, M.r Tames Edge of the lower house
Cap.t John Handy M.r Josiah Bealle and
M.r John Bracco
Who make Choice of the honourable Richard Lee Esq.r Chairman
and Richard Dorsey their Clerk and proceed to make the following
Your Committee find by the Office Books that there Remains of
the £29990 a Ballance in the Iron Chest of £937.. 12.. 5 1/2 unapplyed as
p the following Account