Who make Choice of the honourable Samuel Chamberlaine Esq.r
Chairman, & Richard Dorsey their Clerk and proceed to make the
following Report.
Your Committee find that the Commissioners have Closed their
Books to the 20th day of June Instant, and that by the Same Books
it appears that there Remains of the £29990 a Ballance in the Iron
Chest of £3829..2..11 1/2 of which Sum £ 100 is yet to be paid by the
Commissioners in part of the Sum Granted for the building Fred-
erick County Goal.
Your Committee further find that the Ballances due to the Office
on the Sums issued in pursuance of the Several Acts on the Expedi-
tion against Canada to be replaced by Ordinary Licences amount
to £1173: 13: 8 and that there also Remains due to the Office for
Money taken out by the Act for his Majestys Service passed in July
1754 which is to be Replaced by Ordinary Licences and other funds
the Sum of £3965: 6 as p the following Account viz.t
D.r The Publick by the act for the Encouragement of able
Bodied freemen Voluntarily Misting in his Majestys Service for
the Expedition against Canada.
To Money paid by the Commissioners in pursuance
of the abovementioned Act ..................4229: 11: 4
By the Ballance arising due to the publick by the
Act for raising and Transporting his Majestys 1010: 12: 2 3/4
forces to Cuba ...........................
By Money paid by Several Sheriffs to the Commis-
sioners for Ordinary Licences to the 20th June 3215: 13: 9 1/4
1755 ....................................
By Ballance Due to the Office on this Account ...... 73: 5:4
£4299: 11:4